For the entirety of this match, Shin had avoided the water and the fumes as though they were toxic. Hell, he hasn't even taken a breath for the past two minutes. Whereas this foe had dove into them, perhaps willingly, of perhaps accidentally. The effects on his vision were totally unknown, but his face was twisting in confusion and possibly frustration. Which lead Shin to believe that maybe the water [i]was[/i] in fact poisonous. Disappointing, higher gravity and toxic water in the same place? This place must be a training ground and not a battlefield, nobody in their right mind would willingly wage combat here. It was too risky and lead to too many missteps. Like his foe announcing some sort of assault before even enacting it, calling himself out before there was insufficient time for his foe to do anything about it. Opting to keep himself at a safe distance, from his standing position he began to strafe at an angle to Metz. Weaving once more, there was another spell coming. [color=bc8dbf][i]An earth and lightning spell so far, what more does he have up his sleeves? What is he trying now?[/i][/color] Nothing was happening quite yet, so Shin raised his hands up into a boxer's guard, stepping slowly over his own feet as he strafed sideways. [color=bc8dbf][i]How long do his spells need to prepare? The only tell I've seen so far is him lashing his arm outwards, so expecting that is my only real hope for preparation.[/i][/color] Aside from readying himself for the coming blow, no matter what it was he was prepared. Well, he hopes so. Shin's well outside of his depth when it comes to magic. This guy might as well have a massive conflagration spell that incinerates the land in an area around him. Nobody can really predict what kind of magic a mage has. Speaking of things he doesn't know, Shin's eyebrow perked up a bit. Not as though Metz would see it. [color=bc8dbf]"Hey, I neglected to ask you something, and I don't want a repeat of my last bout. What's your name, boy?"[/color]