[@Trooper] Accepted! You don't need the food and water included in belongings, though, since they're perishable (As in, a year down the road, he likely won't still have them, so it's a moot point to include them in the CS). Feel free to describe them IC, though, as food and water are definitely concerns for all the characters. [@hagroden] You don't need to wait for everyone to post before posting. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to wait for two people to post before you post again. So, for example, You post once, then I post, then Trooper posts, then you can post again. This isn't a rule, just a guideline. Also, just updated the character roster! There are 10 characters as of right now (11, with the inclusion of Trooper's character, which isn't on the roster yet). I'll be getting a post up later tonight!