"..I don't get what the fuck is going on..." Varian walked around, something was up. This has to be some Effed-up prank show. Varian climbed up a building, to see what he where he was. "...Whoa...did I die..? Is this Heaven?" He stared at the places around. Foxhound City didn't look this good. He was in wonderland? He didn't know. He dropped off the building, safely and started to walk off. Varian thought it actually might be nice here, he walked over to a fountain, and sat down. "....." Varian then got up. "....Something's wrong about this, but I can't resist to say....THIS IS AWESOME!!" Varian yelled, people heard him. People stared at him like he was a crazy guy on crack. "Uuuuh..." Varian noticed, and ran from the crowd. He climbed up a weird building. He said it once, he'll say it again. BETTER THAN FOXHOUND CITY. He climbed up another building, he then wall-ran on a skyscraper's window to another building. He barrel rolled onto the building and should've broken his ankle, "..Huh..!?" His ankle was perfectly fine. This is some weird heaven, he thought. Or was he a Anime character in some weird-ass Sci-Fi. He'll never know probably. If he can't break his ankle here, he wonders, can he jump off a building and survive without breaking ANYTHING!? Varian smirked, got up and jumped off the building. "WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"