[i]Be careful. He’s a Nott[/i], Maryam had said. Sadie hadn’t really understood—she’d thought maybe it was something personal. But things began to click as George apologized, and a thousand questions raced through her head. What exactly did the Nott name [i]mean[/i]? Did she even want to know? Her stomach churned. “Thoughtless is an understatement,” Seine said with a shake of his head. Sadie chewed thoughtfully on her lip, watching the crowd cautiously. Most of the students had reacted as though disgusted, but had everyone? How many people thought her brother—and her, she realised suddenly—had dirt in their veins? “It’s okay. We should get to the common room,” Sadie said with a strained smile. They had nearly half an hour, but she found herself wanting to get out of the crowd. Mercifully, Seine nodded, and they rushed to catch up with George. Sadie smiled weakly, hooking loose red hair behind her ear. “We’ve got six inches to write on Gamp’s laws before Wednesday. We should get it done now—it looks like tomorrow’s going to be hectic.” Seine groaned, jamming hi hands in his pockets, looking entirely too displeased by the notion. “Ughhh, seriously?” “We’re literally learning [i]magic[/i], how is that not the most exciting thing [i]ever[/i]?” Sadie boggled at Seine, who simply grumbled in return. Looking to George, she cocked a brow. “Don’t tell me you find bending the laws of physics boring too.”