The soldiers carrying Raa drews sword the moment they spotted the monk approaching them, greeting Keystone at a swordlength. The eldest and most tired looking of them, a large man with a patchy beard and several scars on his face, took in the monk with a weary gaze before replying: "Raa of Telflamm fought bravely today and saved several of the men before you. His sacrifice allowed others to live, and according to Telflamm law, he shall be buried with a hero's honours. Civilians can come visit his grave three days hence." he explained, looking around as he did. "I suggest you find a good place to hide, sellsword. The city is fighting itself." Without a word, the soldiers pushed past Keystone, parting the crowd with words or where needed, swords, quickly moving from sight. In Keystone's head, he saw Glith swinging that big sword, and Raa lying dead on the ground, the same position and wounds as the body the monk just saw. The images repeated several times before Kaylee once again retreated to the still invisible sword on his back. Telflamm's greatest battle seemed to be done by all accounts, but Keystone could hear and sometimes see spells being cast and swords being crossed as he made his way back to the temple. Occasionally, dark hooded figures crossed his path, chased by some wizard's incantation far away. His trip to the temple was without any major interruptions. At the Xiang temple, monks were streaming back into the building, some wounded from the fights, some carrying the bodies of their dead brethren. When Shein-Fang found Keystone, a young monk approached the Grandmaster and whispered something in his ear, something Keystone could clearly hear: "Master, the city's assassins are at war with the Red Wizards. No civilians have died so far, but the danger grows with every passing hour. We do not know who is winning." Shein-Fang bowed in recognition and dismissed the apprentice, before turning to Keystone: "Young Keystone, it is time for you to leave our presence. The danger you will bring to this temple, whether from the inside or outside, may cost many of my young apprentices their lives, and that I cannot allow. You make take any travel supplies from the supply rooms you see fit. Be gone within the hour, before the evils you battle come to us." Shein-Fang turned on his heels and walked out of the room, pacing to some nearby monks carrying the body of a young monk. He bade them to put down the body on the floor and uncover the young man's chest. Shein-Fang took a few deep breaths, placed his hands on the monk's chest, concentrating on the young monk's life energy. Moments later, the young monk sat up gasping and nodding his thanks. Shein-Fang rose to his impassive state, discussing something with the rest of the monks.