Groggily, Johanna awoke from her slumber, and realized she had fallen asleep at her desk again, as dried spit clung to the corner of her mouth, she earnestly brushed it away. Her head pounded angrily, like a marching drum, she groaned inwardly as she placed a hand upon her brow. It was hot and feverish, as if she had a gone for a run. Rising from her chair, Johanna turned to face a wooden chest that sat at the foot of her bed, and withdrew a simple forest green, button down dress, a petticoat, a fresh pair of undergarments and proceeded to dress herself. Her body ached each morning from the hard work of the previous night. Johanna had come to House Ianus only a month ago, and she had settled in splendidly. She mostly kept to herself, and spoke to no one, except the servants when she needed something. Johanna preferred it that way, she avoided the daily gossip, and worries of the human mind, and found solace in the mazes of gardens and greenhouses that decorated the grounds. She had taken a liking to rising early each morning, before four o'clock, and headed into the gardens to begin her work. Currently, Johanna had tidied up the greenhouses, pruning the plants, assuming the role of parental garden keeper more-or-less. The morning air was brisk, and smelled faintly of jasmine and honeysuckle, as she made her way across a cobblestone path headed to her favorite garden. The entrance to the garden beheld an ivy-covered arch, with morning glories as large as ones hand. It was within that drew her in, and upon entering she smiled. A quaint pond filled with goldfish swam merrily under lily pads next to a bubbling fountain, a sculpted marble piece of a dancing, flute-playing Pan; the mischievous faun. At her hip, Johanna carried with her, a chaletaine of useful items, a pair of scissors, a pincushion with a few needles, a spool of black thread, a pair of buckskin leather gloves, pruning shears, three green, dyed leather pouches containing herbs, all of these were very useful to her, and she preferred to keep them within easy reach. Johanna neared a corner of the garden wall and knelt down, and drew out her pruning shears. Carefully, with a guided hand, Johanna began to cut lavender, placing it in a bundle beside her. Every morning she had a ritual, Johanna would journey to every garden, at least once a day, and collect samples for her tinctures. Most of the time, she would bring a book along to read, and nestle herself amongst the flowers and buzzing bees; that or a journal, one which she kept of notes and sketches of her work. Today she left those things behind and focused on collecting lavender, chamomile, rosemary, peppermint and thyme. Johanna understood that certain plants possessed benefits for humans; peppermint tea could ease an upset stomach or indigestion, chamomile relaxed the body, and induced sleepiness, lavender provided stress relief. She continued happily, collecting her herbs as she went, losing herself in her work. Hours must have passed for when Johanna looked up again, she startled at the sight of one of the groundsmen, he extended a letter to her which she unfolded and read immediately. "Ms. Valerivicus, the master of the house invites you to join him, and the others for breakfast. He wishes to speak with you, will you come inside?" Queried the servant. "Ah! Yes of course. Do you know the time?" Johanna asked as she rose from the dirt in which she knelt, gathering her bundle of herbs against her chest, Johanna began her walk back to the manor, the manservant accompanying her. "Yes the time is ten minutes past nine. Shall I inform the Master that you will be joining him?" "If you so desire, I will be in shortly to see him." Johanna muttered tiredly, her hands ached from pulling out the new weeds that had grown in. With that, the manservant and Johanna parted ways. She started off to her bedroom, burying her nose into the bundle of fresh herbs. Her room was small, but it was enough for Johanna to conduct her research, and provided plenty of privacy. Generally she kept her door shut and locked, but she would only be in here momentarily. Quickly, she separated all of the herbs she had collected from this mornings round, and tied them with thread in bundles, and hung the lavender stalks up on a nail she had fastened to dry. Johanna dipped her hands into the water basin that sat next to her bed, and rinsed off the mud from her fingers, digging out any dirt that had collected under her nails. With haste, Johanna left her room and headed out to meet with the master of the house, Adam. As her boots padded down the hallway, Johanna smoothed her hair into place, well aware that she must look rather disorderly in her unkempt appearance, she cared not. Traversing the grounds of House Ianus took time, minutes to get anywhere. A walk from her room to the gardens outdoor took at least ten minutes, yet this time she was going to the dining hall, where breakfast, luncheons and light dinners were provided. She arrived shortly after, and pushed open the heavy wooden door, instantly, she spotted the master of the house, Adam. "Good morning, Sir. I received your letter, and came as quickly as my feet would carry me." Her husky voice filled the room, as she approached the large table, and pulled a seat out for herself. Johanna's silvery eyes sparkled brightly from the sunshine that filtered into the room, her mahogany hair hung in loose ringlets about her face, while her pinned bun looked askew, hinting to her work outside.