In the lower floors of the Jedi Council Spires there sat various small rooms that were nestled away from the main corridors. These rooms were used for private meetings between members of the High Council and were often swept to ensure that anything said within them stayed within them. These rooms were not the most comfortable rooms in the Temple; no, they were small and dark with only the bare-minimum of furniture. Most did not have windows, and those that did had them blacked out to the point that they were practically defunct. Many were not even used and seemed to be lined with thin layers of dust that gave the rooms an odd dry smell. It was in one of these rooms that Agen Kolar, the Zebrak member of the High Jedi Council stood waiting for a Jedi Investigator to arrive. With his calloused hands he brushed back his long dark matted hair as he paced the room, knowing that he himself needed to get a move on. A short distance away another Jedi, a human named Rylos, was eagerly making his way towards the meeting. Rylos found himself jogging along the magnificent halls that adorned the Temple, his broad footsteps echoing off of the tall decorated walls and ceilings. His dark brown robes fluttered behind him as he pushed forwards. Many that he passed shot him curious looks, making him feel slightly embarrassed. He needed to rush though, for he did not want to anger a member of the High Council. He did not know what the meeting was about, but it was clear that it was of great importance. As he broke off down one of the quieter halls and got closer to his objective, he began to pick up on Agen’s presence. He could feel the master’s sense of urgency and his patience thinning. [b]“Hello Master Agen. Sorry for the delay.”[/b] Rylos began as he entered the small room, shutting the door behind him. Beads of sweat had formed on the edge of Rylos’s brown hair and were slowly trickling down his smooth olive skin. Agen was visibly surprised when the apprentice appeared without his master, but before he could enquire into the reason Rylos began to explain. [b]“I’m afraid Leneer was following up a lead and is still travelling back. She’s asked to attend via holo-call.”[/b] without saying another word Rylos pulled out a small projector from his pocket and placed it on the ground. The small device hummed for a moment before releasing a large flickering blue light. It took a moment for the image of Leneer to load, but when it did it was incredibly clear. The female Togruta stood with her hands behind her back with her chest slightly puffed out, a stance intended to show her discipline rather than her cleavage. [b]“Hello Bastilla, are you alone? This conversation needs to be confidential.”[/b] inquired Agen as he gave the hologram of his comrade a stiff nod. [b]“Yes Master Agen. With what urgent matter do you approach me and my padawan?”[/b] replied Leneer, uncharacteristically frank. She knew that Agen wasn’t one for small talk, and matters of this importance required clarity and focus. [b]“A lot has happened in the last few hours and I haven’t got time to explain everything. Right now myself and other members of the Council are preparing to arrest Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.”[/b] Agen Kolar was about to continue when Rylos interrupted, surprised by the news. [b]“You’re going to arrest Palpatine? Under what charges?”[/b] Although it wasn’t visible, Rylos picked up on Agen’s feelings of annoyance at the interruption. Strangely he also picked up on hints of fear and anger. [b]“We were preparing to confront him when we learned some distressing news. Anakin Skywalker claims that Palpatine is the Sith Lord that we’ve chasing: Darth Sidious. If this is true then our worst fears have indeed been realised.”[/b] [b]“Do you require our assistance?”[/b] asked Leneer, who appeared visibly unphased. [b]“No, myself, Master Windu, Master Tinn and Master Fisto will be performing the arrest. The four of us should be more than a match for any Sith.”[/b] boasted Agen. Rylos couldn’t help but frown as he felt feelings pride swell in the older Jedi, [b]“We want you and your apprentice to detain Armand Isard. Even ignoring the case you’ve been building against him, any close ally of the Sith Lord poses a threat.” [/b] [b]“Agreed. If the Director of SBI is knowingly aiding the Sith then he poses a great danger to the Republic. He needs to be removed immediately.”[/b] Leneer raised her hand to her chin, rubbing it in thought. [b]“Then get it done.”[/b] ordered the Master as he moved over to the door. Agen’s hand reached for the handle but stopped midway, a fresh thought interrupting the action. He turned back to the two investigators with a concerned look. [b]“We don’t know how far their influence may have spread. Until the situation is resolved, keep these revelations to yourselves. Besides, we still don’t know whether Anakin’s claims are true.”[/b] He didn’t wait for the two to respond before departing, rushing to re-join the other masters. With Agen gone, the two investigators stood for a minute in shocked silence and deep thought. [b]“Rylos, speak to our contacts in SBI and Republic Intelligence. Try to get Isard’s location and any other useful information. I’ll head straight back to the Temple now.”[/b] Leneer retained her state of calm and focus when she instructed her apprentice. Rylos on the other hand struggled to achieve the same feat, his mind becoming a miasma of dark thoughts and scenarios. The possible implementations filled him with so much concern and it almost seemed wrong to try and push such fear aside. Although he didn’t say it out loud, he wished that Leneer was close enough for him to share in her tranquility. [b]“Understood Master. I’ll make sure we’ve got eyes on him by the time you arrive.”[/b] Rylos replied, putting on a mask of calmness. He would not disappoint Leneer by showing his lack of control over his emotions; especially when he had come so far over the recent years.