[center][img]http://www.cinemafia.ru/upload/images/2015-06/Under30/kaya_2.gif[/img][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/b265abcb35e55990bd47dc09f873f819/tumblr_inline_mhngzelgUu1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Helena Byörkman[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]Seventeen[/indent] [b]Year[/b]: [indent]Third[/indent] [b]Gender[/b]: [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Species[/b]: [indent]Huldra[/indent] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: [indent]Helena is a 5’7” brunette with crystal, wide blue eyes and a pale beauty-marked face. She has the high cheekbones, pert nose, and semi-full lips of a Huldra and her skin is soft to the touch. However, underneath her exterior, she has a flesh-colored tail that swings by her feet and has a tendency to wrap around her ankles, topped with a tuft of chocolate brown hairs and a single brown spot. On her back, her silky white skin distorts into rotten brown bark that encases a large, gaping abyss on her back. Her body is rather plain, but she dresses it well with either leather and jeans or cotton and skirts, depending on her feeling. Her style flip-flops on the verge of badassery and Southern teenage church-goer. When she walks, she holds a suppressive air with her shoulders relaxed and her legs staggering, yet she holds her chin up in an air of authority. She has been known to vaguely smile at the queerest things, a smile that is almost imperceptible except for the slight twitch of her lips. Other times, she laughs loudly with a hiccup and dimpled cheeks. When she talks, it is of the lilting sort and is brief, telling what she needs to tell.[/indent] [b]Personality[/b]: [indent]Helena has always been considered the poster-child for a perfect Huldra. Her emotions are always in check, she never gets attached, and her independence is extraordinary so. When she says she will get something done, she will, and she speaks little, never letting others see into her thoughts. In all of the sense of the words, she is one of the Hidden Folk. Every fleeting thought is a secret and every secret is a fleeting thought, she is scholarly and studious and always questions authority when she needs to. Her heart is steel and unbreakable, hard and almost impenetrable. She thinks before she acts. However, Helena’s pessimism halts her ability to change. She is a seventeen year old girl, stuck forever as time passes by. She neither adapts nor relents, but is a stubborn rock being eroded by wind. Helena hardly learns from past mistakes and often lets her life rest in fate’s hands. She is brazen to the point of stupidity, but cowardly to the point of idiocy. Her morals are a point stuck in the middle of a compass, unable to do the right thing, but never the wrong thing either – she just sits, and thinks, and dawdles, until her choice is annulled. She is not carefree, but rather, careless, and is often prone to profound philosophical thoughts that usually questions the point of living. Helena survives, but she does not thrive. Yet, no one else can see it.[/indent] [b]Hobbies[/b]: [indent]-Studying -Embroidery -Cloud watching[/indent] [b]Familiar[/b]: [indent][img] http://greatinspire.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/35-Cute-Miniature-Pig-Pictures-21.jpg[/img] Alf the Miniature Pig[/indent] [b]Extra[/b]: [indent]She is very close to her twin brother[/indent]