[center][h1]Revan[/h1][/center] Revan watched the battle with interest, the brat was actually giving the big lug a run for his money. However, it seemed that Matt would have the last laugh, as after the Lizardking's last attack, there seemed to be neither hide nor hair of the little shit. Just as Revan was about call out Matt for robbing him of his turn against the kid, he suddenly felt a large build up from magic. Not only that, but he could see that one of the nearby buildings seemed to be rumbling slightly as the walls moved inward, with chunks of other buildings also began to get dragged towards it. It didn't take long for him to figure out that not only was the white haired shit not dead, but he had also lost his goddamn mind to use an attack like that inside the city. Revan didn't say anything, he simply walked by the enraged Taka as he summoned a horde of hydras, sending them flying through the city to keep any and all civilians from being dragged off towards the attack. THis included any and all civilians inside of them as well, though they'd be a little frighten as the hydra's seemed to eat them, before taking them into their world before depositing them all inside of the guild hall in a haphazard heap. While his Hydras deal with keeping casualties from happening, Revan was focusing his magical energy on his hand, chanting an incantation under his breath, as a dark energy began to coil around his outstretched hand. Just as the attack blasted out of the remains of the crumbling building, the energy formed into his Ring of Sloth. As it approached Matt, he pointed his finger at an area just in front of the mage, causing a black circle to appear on the ground. As soon as the sphere came into contact with the circle, it would disperse into a black mist, exerting a small shockwave of force to the surrounding area as it did so. Revan than turned to the remains of the building where he assumed that Ira still was. He didn't say anything for awhile, but Matt and Taka would be able to tell that he was beyond pissed off and just barely holding himself back from annihilating him. "Listen, you little shit, cause I'll only say this once. If you want to throw around big attacks, that's fine with me, but take outside the city if you want to continue making an ass out of yourself, among other things." Revan crossed his arms as he closed his eyes, suddenly letting off an intense aura as he activated his Satan Soul. As he opened his eyes, which had turned completely black except for his pupils that had become slitted and bright, blood red, the dark mage would feel an intense sense of pressure and killing intent. "After that, you'll find that the next time you pull something like this, I won't be so kind as to let you off with warning. I will kill you without remorse or regret, so know that you're on thin ice whenever you come here. Keep yourself in control, and you can continue going about your business. Endanger this town and the people in it and you'll be lucky if there's even a stain left when I'm done with you." Revan released his hold on his magic, letting it out with grumbling sigh, as he walked back into the guild hall, pushing past the confused and somewhat traumatized citizens until he came across Alice, the white haired dragon brat, ad a smaller one. "Hey Alice, you have anything for a headache caused by punks you want to kill. I swear I'm getting too old for this bullshit. . . and is this brat your's?" Revan said as he gestured to James, unsure what to make of him yet. [@Ira] [@Lmpkio] [@WaddleDaisy] [@Renny] [@Leslie Hall]