[b]Name:[/b] Zanily Sorem Atkal [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Birthday:[/b] November 19 [b]Magic:[/b] "Sweeping" A magic comprised of pushing aside and erasing. Mostly a supportive and non-offensive magic when the user does not have the precise abilities required for attack. It requires a lot more energy to erase than to push, and without proper practice, the amount of energy used to erase an entire spell could be potentially fatal. Of course, depending on the spell you are trying to erase. In most cases, you have a choice to make: Erase the side effects, not the physical spell, or erase the physical spell but not the full effect. The former takes less energy, and the latter more. However, anything being erased takes a lot out of you, so it's usually more beneficial to push. [b]Magic Level:[/b] C [b]History:[/b] Born mute due to a personality disorder, at a young age Zanily became interested in reading. After reading through the many texts in her parents' home, she discovered the ban on magic and how it used to flourish. She devoted her life to the discovery of a voice using magic. She tried hard on the many types of magic, secretly practicing to see where her skills might lie, until she discovered her magic was something she'd not heard of in the texts, and was disappointed seeing it merely erased, not created. She set out at the age of 13 to find a place where magic was beginning to reform and so began her life as a wizard. Now, she hunts for a proper guild to house her. [b]Personality:[/b] A shy, easily startled girl with an aversion to companionship, she's grown more cold in her search for a voice. She's still a kind soul however, and well-suited for the role of support her magic assigns her. [b]Guild and guild mark location:[/b] N/A [b]Team Members:[/b] N/A [b]Three Strengths:[/b] 1. Intelligence 2. Support 3. Focus [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] 1. Antisocial Nature 2. Control 3. Communication [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Peace and Quiet [b]Motivation:[/b] Knowledge [b]Appearance:[/b] A mostly average girl with black hair, dyed with green and blue streaks and one streak bleached white at the back. Her eyes are a dark teal color, and her skin is alarmingly pale, contrasting her black hair. She usually wears a black jacket with a bright cyan tree on it, covering up anything else she might be wearing that day. She's short and slim, the build of a child. [b]Additional Details:[/b] Mute (if you didn't catch that already, heh.)