[@Raijinslayer] [@WaddleDaisy] [@Ira] [center][b][h2]Matisuki Kiryuin[/h2][/b][/center] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Matt_zpslm8werir.png[/img][/center] As he sees Ira fall into the building below, who seemed to have been hit by the blast, Matt roars out in triumph over this foe. It seems as the dark mage had finally taken a bigger chunk then he could handle. No one messes with the Guild... NOBODY. And if one does happen to do so, then they will surely be severely punished. [b]"SURRENDER NOW PRAWN."[/b] he growls gutturally at the dark mage, [b]"OR FACE WOF'S WAY OF CLEANSING THE DARKNESS OUT OF SCUM LIKE YOU!"[/b] A few silent minutes pass by, but no response came from Ira. Perhaps he was dead... or at least knocked out at this stage. Either way, Matt thinks he won the battle. And with another guttural growl, he begins to head back inside. However, on his fourth step, he senses a powerful magical essence coming from where Ira crash-landed. So he WASN'T dead after all. Matt growls ominously as he turns around to finish this fallen foe once and for all, when suddenly he sees a black orb form above the dark mage. It began to suck everything in as it became larger and larger. Matt knew what he was doing and even he was terrified. [b]A BLACK HOLE WAS FORMING IN MAGNOLIA![/b] A bloody... BLACK... HOLE. And it was now sucking things into itself. And the worst part is... it's now coming straight towards him... AND THE GUILD! Matt may be incredibly strong and durable, but against one of the most powerful objects in the universe, he is nothing. If it hit him, it would surely take his life. Yet he was prepared to die for the guild. He will try to take in the black hole as much as he could, even to the point where it could kill him. All he mattered was the survival of the guild. And he will die for it. Beyond him, he can see Revan's hydras moving people out of the way and Taka trying to 'calm him' down. Then, just as the black hole would try and devour him, Revan's magic managed to finally dissipate the black hole of its entirety. As it dispersed, it unleashed a small shockwave, making Matt breathe in a sigh of relief. No one was harmed. Thankfully. Yet as Matt looked at where Revan stands, he knew far too well that he was now severely pissed off. A quiet growl would utter from his maw, signifying him not to get outta whack. At least Matt left him alive... all for Revan to bitch at. And after his bitching, he went back to the guild and consulted with Alice. The Lizardking will still ominously look over Ira, wondering if he will still fight or hopefully leave the area. [color=6ecff6][center][h2]Kuroku Nagasai[/h2][/center][/color] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/original_zpsngcvejsw.png[/img][/center] The battle was over, just as soon as it began. It disappointed him greatly, hoping that he would be entertained a bit more, but then again who would want to be sucked into a giant black hole? Not he. Not the Ice Mage. He has much more to give to life then death. As Revan walked by he sighs as he looks back at the guild job request, only to see a job request he hasn't seen before. It seemed to be an update of the dark guild that has been posted in the newspaper he saw. It was as follows: [hider=Dark Guild Job Request.][b][u]Subdue the Dark Guild![/u][/b] [b]Reward:[/b] 1,700,000 J [url=http://i.imgur.com/8pvpMzK.jpg][b]Location:[/b][/url] Eastcliff, Callmigh Bluff [i]"Eastcliff is a small fishing village found in the location of Callmigh Bluff. Despite our name, both Callmigh Bluff and Eastcliff are southwest of Crocus, on the coast of Fiore. We're a defenceless village, and we keep getting attacked by the "Dark Guild" Satyr Horn. They're not even a large guild. There's only a few of them, but we can't stand up to Mages, so we need help!" - Maine, Village Leader[/i][/hider] So this was the dark guild that was in the papers. Surely this group must be dealt and put down with exceptional force. At last, this will be a mission Kuroku will gladly take. Ripping the job request from the board, he waves it high in the air as he looks around the guild hall. [color=6ecff6]"Oi!"[/color] he calls out, [color=6ecff6]"A new job has come in. This one having to do with a dark guild out in Eastcliff. I'll be going out to complete this. Anyone want to come with me?"[/color]