[@HereComesTheSnow] [h2]Cian Kuze -- Armory[/h2] [b]"Yah Byakko was my own personal project something I am really proud of in the end. Guess if you want to put it that way than yah I am in my element." [/b] She replied back to Luke as she was finishing the last touches that was her headgear design for the class the goggles was multi function set up which was pretty much the easy part since she could easily take the software she needed to add to it from her Byakko which had it already installed since it was always mean to connect to something like the goggles. [b]"So whats your idea for the headset for this class Luke?"[/b] Cian asked as she tilted her head to see the scouter design he was trying to sketch out. It seemed to be based after that old cartoon dragon something she remembered boys used to watch all the time. Still a interesting idea but a bit rough still to each their own she figured.