Hrm, well, aside from my like of anything dealing with spirits in general... this is a fairly unique idea, I think. At least, I haven't seen something quite like this done before, and I've been RPing here since the old guild sometime. [quote=@Tyrant from the West] Im just a complete sucker for these kinda rps. Also, I usually don't like it when gms set up a list of powers for everyone to choose from, but these are much better then what some other gms list out. This might sound kinda dumb, but i like how each of them sound vague, but also stick out from each other 8D [/quote] This, too. The powers are unique - or at least have a unique twist on them. They seem quite well balanced, but with also the opportunity to be quite powerful if done or used right. It offers a lot of freedom with them, I think. Small Edit: With that in mind, though, I think I have a question about Soulsmiths. Would the weapons be something like conventional melee weapons like swords, daggers and armor? Or would it extend to firearms as well? I suppose I'm asking what are the exact restrictions on it. Would someone be able to make like a...bomb, or something? Rocket launcher? (I'm not saying I want this, it'd be a bit much under normal circumstances, I think.)