[center][color=007FFF][b]Abel Fulgurate – Grimm Studies[/b][/color][/center] A swim with one of the deadliest Grimm out there? It would be no picnic, but despite the ominous, murky black shape lurking beneath the water like some primordial evil, Abel acknowledged a surprising optimism about his chances about getting through the trial unscathed. Some remorse filtered through him when an examination of this hopefulness concluded that much of this stemmed from the assumption that the sharklike Grimm would turn its chops on his classmates, but still. Even underwater, a blade was a blade. A full summation of the task ahead constituted nothing more than an Ampere to the brain and a quick escape from the pool to wait out the Megaladeus's berserk. Actually looking forward to it, which frightened him more than it exhilarated him, Abel removed his cuirass, greaves, and vambraces before carefully pulling off his blue jacket, folding it with a fastidious precision, and setting it on a table. Though doubtless that splendid garb drew the inspiration for its hue from the azure deep, cloudless sky, or some other organisms' realm just as unattainable, it wouldn't do the cotton any favors to reunite it with a source of its color. He looked furtively, as if he'd already made a compromising error, at the others when he realized that some had begun to form tightly-knit groups, most likely in order to devise some sort of shark-slaying strategy. A pang of disappointment in himself struck like a finger to the neck; Abel should have thought of that. Not wanting to seem in any way helpless, desperate for attention or company, or a third wheel, he stubbornly withheld his presence from any of the groups. Instead, he focused on removing his socks as he grew tense waiting for Port's signal. After all had finished their preparations, the professor cheerfully obliged him. “Begin!” Abel grunted in affirmation, and gave the Ampere a resolute spin, as if rehearsing some deadly flourish with which he'd bring about the doom of his aquatic foe. Rather than try the pads and flounder or try the water and risk chumming it up with a no-doubt angry Grimm, Abel skirted the edge of the pool with his weapon of choice raised overhead, the spitting image of a spearfisher. Once someone else brought it to surface, he'd heroically cast the Ampere into the Megaladeus and pierce its head. After that, all that remained was a minute-long wait for the monster's life to fully understand the profound depth of its wounds. Now that he thought about it...”Hey, you guys! No matter how badly wounded, Megaladeus don't die instantly. Once it's fatally wounded, just clear the area to avoid its berserk!” In retrospect, the proper time for his prior knowledge would have been a minute earlier.