In the armory class Ebon spent his time quietly working on his R-Types to himself. He had chosen not to meet up with his team at Lunch before, mostly since he didn't like being in a big crowd like the one at the Deli. Even in class Ebon seemed to be all by himself even though he was sitting next to a couple of students. When Chatsworth arrived Ebon only have him a cursory glance before returning to work on the R-Types. However once the assignment was given to them the hunter sighed and had his drones return to The Kingdom. [color=black]"Make some head gear huh? Huh."[/color] Ebon wasn't sure what to make. While he wanted to make something high tech, that wasn't something he could finish in just one class session. Chatsworth likely doesn't expect it to be done in one class either, but Ebon doesn't like leaving work unfinished. He had some tweaking with the R-Types to do and he really didn't want to get hung up on making this piece of headgear that Ebon likely wasn't ever going to use anyways. Still he wanted to do good in class, so he started drafting up this idea for an eyepatch. It was basically like a telescope that you didn't need to use your hands for: just squint through one eye and it'll zoom in as close as you need it to. There was some tech involved, but nothing that he couldn't jury rig in class. There was potential for upgrades but Ebon honestly didn't care for it. He just wanted to get this over with so he could go back to working on the R-Types. Ebon never had to leave his seat while he worked either, as he just used one of his R-Types with a grappling claw to go into the scrap room and grab whatever it is he needed. Parts floated around his head and body as he began to assemble the basic form of his telescopic eyepatch. [color=black]"I'll need to figure out a name for this..."[/color]