[h2]Luke Schwarz -- Armory[/h2] [b]"Oh, mine? Well..."[/b] His hand found it's way to the back of his head, scratching an awkwardly-timed itch as he slid his rough schematics over to the space between them. To say they were rudimentary would be a drastic understatement. Really, they were closer to they type of sketches found scattered throughout the notebook of an inattentive student, with only basic labeling and explanations that almost seemed an afterthought. In other words, it was very clearly not the work of someone versed in the task at hand. [b]"I couldn't come up with much, so I asked my sister if she had any, and she responded with 'a Scouter'." [/b]he explained frankly, knowing being put on the spot like this would make any lie he'd try to tell a convoluted mess through his own panic and inevitable attempts of twisting lipservice out of half-truths. [b]"So I was thinking an eyepiece that could be used to measure enemy Aura levels, going off of that. Maybe monitor those of linked units as well. You know, kinda like an RPG Party's."[/b] A sound enough idea in theory, but one that he in practice wasn't sure if he could implement. If he was ready to tackle the problem of implementing. [i]Maybe she could teach me. It's her world, after all.[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6pUX9Szzz0]...[/url] But would there be a class where he [i]didn't[/i] feel the need to lean on other people for help? It felt like an ugly new habit, running to other people once the going got rough. Gratia in Math, for example. He was always competent even once his study habits had begun to suffer back in High School, was he really as hopelessly lost as he assumed he was? And he also managed to qualify for transfer into the Hunter curriculum despite not going to Signal, if only by the barest margin. He [i]had[/i] to be able to work something out with that knowledge base. [i][color=aba000]"People can only save themselves. One person saving another is impossible."[/color][/i] Tanner Oshino had said that. Tanner Oshino, a former classmate and family friend of his mother's, had said that. Tanner Oshino, whose glib and carefree demeanor belied a serious expertise in both occult matters and fending off Grimm, had said that. Tanner Oshino, the vagabond exorcist hunter who he owed serious debt to, had said that. Tanner Oshino, the aloha-shirted hobo he'd learned to trust in spite of everything about his appearance, had said that. ...But it was ultimately one's own choice to ask for help, right? It almost felt like a cop-out, thinking that. A convenient evasion of an uncomfortable notion thanks to tricky wordplay. Whether it was right or not, he couldn't say. He was no philosopher. Just an ordinary young man. [b]"At this point, though, it's essentially still just an idea. I haven't figured out what all I need for it yet, much less put it together."[/b]