President Shoe enters the race. [b]Foreign Affairs[/b] Is China an economic or military threat to the US?: I do not believe their economy to be a threat to our country, I do however fear the military threat they pose, especially considering their relation to North Korea. We will have to either make sure we keep China on our side. Should there be an independent Palestinian state?: Yes, definitely. Think of our own country's history. We too were once rebels fighting for our own cause and look how far we have come. I believe that they are entitled to their own state if they are able to get it. What is your stance on the War on Terror? Are you in favor of endorsing the Bush Doctrine (pursuing nations that harbor or sponsor terrorism) or are you in favor of a more pragmatic approach to terrorist organizations and the countries in which they operate?: I do not believe that countries that harbor terrorist organizations are our enemies. I suggest a pragmatic approach to the war on terror. We shouldn't see countries that house terrorist organizations as threats or enemies, the terrorist is the enemy not the state in which they live. Are covert drone strikes on terrorist and suspected terrorist locations a policy you would endorse?: The tactic of covert drone strikes is a risky one, we could inadvertently injure or harm civilians in the area, which is not a goal of mine. I believe in the use of drone strikes only after extensive and concrete evidence of the terrorist location exists and does not house civilians. Is the authorized arresting and indefinite detaining of suspected terrorists, including US citizens, without charge good for America?: No. Distrust is not something I wish to stir among the people. If we continue to detain suspected terrorists, and American citizens indefinitely it will only lead to finger pointing and witch hunts, harboring a population that does not trust its government. [b]Domestic Affairs[/b] Should nonviolent drug users be jailed?: No. If an individual is caught with drugs but their record shows no prior history of violence or abuse then they should not be jailed. However, if their criminal record comes back with a violent history of assault or theft and it is connected to drug use then they should be punished. Should the federal government increase direct financial aid (loans/grants/debt relief) for college students?: Yes, the pressure on college students is high enough already and the threat of bankruptcy or having their lives destroyed by debt should not be a fear that they have. Are more federal regulations on guns and ammunition needed?: No. I believe that our country's current restriction of firearms and their ammunition is sufficient. Should gay marriage be legal?: Yes. Even though our country is founded on Christian beliefs we still have a separation between our church and state and we should not deny our gay population the right to marriage because marriage is considered Christian. Should the US Constitution and Bill of Rights be amended or updated in any way?: No. I don't think it's our place to go and change the fundamentals of what our country's founders thought to be true if their thoughts are not outmoded or are no longer relevant to out lives. Should drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) be allowed?: No. The area is a wildlife refuge and we should not defile it by drilling for oil and risking polluting the the area. It is one of the last places on Earth that is safe from the harm humans can cause. Are federal health care reform laws good for America?: Well that depends on the purpose of the law. If the law inhibits or otherwise denies a person of health care services then it is obviously not in the best interest of the people and ultimately that's what the president and the government as a whole should be focused on. [b]Economy/Taxes/Entitlement[/b] Is outsourcing jobs to other countries good for America?: Is it good? No. Is it needed? Yes. Ideally I'd like to have all products that are sold in America be made by Americans. However, at this point in time it's just not practical but it is a goal to reach for. Should the federal deficit be reduced without raising any taxes?: No. As much as the people don't like it we cannot lower our deficit without supplementing its income with some other kind of revenue such as taxes. Does the US need welfare and food stamp reform or abolishment?: The welfare and food stamp system is one of the last hopes American's on their last legs have so I do not think we should abolish it. However, in my presidency I do plan on taking a closer look at the system and making the needed changes. Are illegal immigrants a net gain to the US economy?: This is a difficult question because it changes depending on the individual. Many immigrants send their money out of the country and to their families in their home country. However there are illegal immigrants that keep their money in the U.S. And these immigrants are a, if small, benefit. Do lower taxes provide incentive for employers to hire more workers?: Perhaps. It very much depends on the industry in question and the amount of revenue they generate. However, if there is a strong correlation between lower taxes and workers employed then we may have a to take a serious look at lowering taxes. Should Social Security be privatized?: Definitely. If an individual chooses to keep a portion of the paycheck for themselves rather than have it go to social security then they should be able to choose that at their discretion.