[B]Gratia Mindaro - Armoury[/B] [i][color=66cd00]What the fuck would Fiordilatte need to not suck more cock than some gloryhole whore?[/color][/i] Her ... irritating teammate ... was, to her own disgust and annoyance, the motivating factor behind the various schematics she was sketching away at halfheartedly. Functional headgear was not a class of equipment that could assist her in any effective manner, and so Gratia Mindaro was forced to ponder what utilities would be desired by the remaining members of Team Vignoble in order to assist her in her brainstorming, an act that would also have allowed her to ditch whatever contraption she constructed on them without complaint. Yet she knew too little about the Harken girl's fighting style and Venetia's presence in the class meant that providing her leader with something would be redundant, so to her abject horror, the only remaining test subject was ... Napoli Fiordilatte. [i][color=66cd00]Fucker's going to owe me for this.[/color][/i] Now, what equipment did a sniper usually carry that the cheese-eating bastard tended not to? A rangefinder? That would be a large help. Masked torches to minimise white light? She'd seen that once. Binoculars? The Mistralese teenager's unwanted partner possessed one, but it could be integrated into a versatile piece of headgear. The sounds of pencil against paper screeched to a halt. A versatile piece of headgear. Some horrid, Frankenstein'd piece of bullshit. A strange contraption that could combine everything into one and save on space? She could do that. It'd probably need some fuck-huge battery or something, but the first ten orders were subsidised, after all. Gratia began to draw again. She knew exactly what to do.