[h3]Jack Orpheus | Grimm Studies[/h3] Jack's choice of equipment was was pretty simple, a wetsuit. That was it. Just a few belts to hold his daggers and other extra equipment that he may decide to pick up before the swim. There seemed to be a common plan, and that was to somehow bring the shark Grimm up to the surface. He looked around and it seems a lot of students agreed, in or not in a group. The pads didn't seem to be a good place to be, but for Jack it shouldn't be much of a problem. As the students began to circle around the pool, he looked to at least identify the Megaladeus' location before he would step up onto the pads. He can easily jump from one to the other and avoid an attack, so long as it didn't surprise him from directly below, which is why he wanted to wait for the moment. He intended to be the bait, he had confidence in his mobility after all. [color=steelblue]"So we're going to try and lure it to the surface? Or does someone here have a better plan?"[/color], he asked, twirling one of his daggers while he waited.