[quote=@Rin] [@January]Ah, You Mean Like When People Capitalize Every Word Despite It Looking Stupid, Obnoxious And dear lord I can't keep doing that. Seriously, why do people think that's a good thing to do? [/quote] [img]https://kidfromthe6ix.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/screen-shot-2014-11-24-at-1-59-38-am.png?w=481&h=180&crop=1[/img] [quote=@Weird Tales] This isn't Guild related or me bitching, but I just finished an episode of The Animals of Farthing Wood where a character just passed away and it has me crying. The show already had many deaths, but this one was the saddest so far. Man it sucks to have to go to work when a show has recently made you so sad and emotional. [/quote] GoT Bambi?