[center][h2] A[color=fff79a][u] Warm Beatrix[/u][/color], A [color=00aeef][u]Cold Sage[/u][/color] Pt 2[/h2][/center] Cedar City, Train Station [color=fff79a]"Fwahahahaha! I arrive! YEt there is no greeting party? That is fine, I should not exspect those who have busy work to do to drop everything just because my wonderful self is within the city hahaha." [/color] Beatrix's grand entrance had her arriving on her throne with her angels flanking her in a rather over the top pose, still it soon stopped as she turned to await Sage to come out at well. They may have had a littlestumble but the girl was not going to let such a silly thing drag down this moment! Still it seemed she was not going to go along with the whole splitting up idea for just now... [color=fff79a]"Come along Sage, I shall send out my puppets to search the genaral area, while we arrive and talk with the childs family!"[/color] "........." Sage looked at the princess and shook his head. Not even bother to talk nor write to her. The man walked right past her and headed to the location of the missing girls home. Right now, peace is only what he needed. And he was going to get it one way or another. He was bracing himself for the talkative girl known at Beatrix to coax him into talking, but he was going to try and ignore her. [color=fff79a]"Hmm, this place is a little.. Strange. For one where are all the tourist shops?!"[/color] It seemed she had focused on something different for the time being, likely due to the conversation on the train but for now she was just happy looking around the city she had never been too before. She never got to go places such as this, mainly due to her childhood disability. By the time they arrived at the family home Beatrix looked a little concerned as Sage made his way up to the door. [color=fff79a]"Are you sure you want to greet them?"[/color] [b]*KNOCK KNOCK*[/b] Without any hesitation, the white haired man tapped the on the door hard. At first there was no response. Sage knocked on the door again. Nothing. [color=fff79a]'Perhas they are.....?!"[/color] His senses kicked in as a familar smell it his nose, he wasn't a dragon slayer: but the smell was enough. Blood. Sage looked at beatrix seriously and grabbed the knob of the door and rattled it, it was unlocked. >Beatrix, ready up. Balling his free hand into a fist and coating it was gravity. Sage leaned towards the door and opened quickly. [i][color=00aeef]'Well shit.'[/color][/i] The sight the two saw was not pretty at all. Bodies, that was all one could tell from the mess within. There was no way of knowing for sure but it was a safe best that the mess made up two bodies and likely those of the girls perants. Despite what being told there was clearly not much Beatrix could 'be redy' for in terms of a battle stand, but her two angels did make sure to cover the scene for the time being. [color=fff79a]"That poor girl... To lose family like this-, Hmmm?"[/color] Beatrix looked confused for a moment while looking at the room, something was a ltitle off but before she could take a proper look she heard a shrill voice echo out from behind them both! As it did she felt all at once the world fall on her shoulders, now everyoe was looking towards them as the owner of the voice pointed towards them and shouted! "M-Murder! SOMEONES BEEN MURDERED!" [color=00aeef][i]'Let's not get this outta hand.'[/i][/color] Sage was about to use his magic on him, but before he could do anything, the man rushed from them to god knows where. Sage with a fallen expression of a rock shook his head. >Simple missions will always hitches, what can i say? Right now, find clues inside his house would take priotry, not getting caught would be the next plan. Turning to Beatrix he wrote his note. >I'll find anything upstairs, there's bound to be more stress around there. Sage left the girl as he ran upstairs to check any surivious, the stench of blood was filling his mind, making his yellow eyes turn red once more. As the white haired mage opened the door to the master bedroom, he could see the room flipped on the side of it's head. the bed torn up and drawers ripped from the table and multiple items scattered everywhere. [i][color=00aeef]'Whatever they wanted to find, sure took their time with it.'[/color][/i] Looking around the white haired mage spotted a unsual pile of books and pictures near the foot of the bed. He was pressed for time as he hastily picked them up and chucked in his bag. He quickly serched the room to find nothing that wouldn't help him or Beatrix at all. Scanned the other room he headed back down to the blonde haired girl. Beatrix crossed her arms as she gave a overview to the mess that was the bodies, with her partner upstairs and searching for clues it seemed she had time to confirm her suspicions. Still the gathering crowd outside was becoming bothsome for her two angels to hold back, really at this rate they would be truely mistaken for murderers, and though she was sure they would be cleared they really did not have time to wait around for a investigation! [color=fff79a]"Both of them... They are..."[/color] A devilish grin crossed the girls face by this point as if she had noticed something, still she had to wait for Sage to return to the scene before motioning for them to leave. Walking up to her two angels they soon turned around to pick her chair up, flying away from the house at amazing speeds and towards the near by forest, it was the safest place for fugitives after all. After landing she turned to wait for Sage, she was sure he could keep up since she had convidence in him, and that was good enough. [color=fff79a]"Did you discover anything?" [/color] >A few notes and picture, it might help us find our orphan girl, but now is not the time to discuss it now. We need to split up. Sage knew that in order to make better of his situation, he would have to co-op with Beatrix. Splitting up and finding more clues would be best for both of them. If both had got caught later down the road. How know what would happen. > As Promised, i will head to the outskirts and see what i can find, you will do as you want. Also i do not need a puppet for my search. Sage made sure everything was ready for a quick run. He looked at Beatrix and waited for her answer. [color=fff79a]"That seems fitting. I will remain here and use my dolls to my advantage."[/color] She agreed to the terms as fast as she could, after all if they waited around then the time to save the girl was shortening ever more. Once sage had left Beatrix motioned for the black angel who simply bowed before flying off back towards the city!