It hit him like a truck when the realization struck, and honestly he was a little embarrassed that he hadn't thought of it sooner. Shin's guard dropped and his eye looked away from Metz' pillar. Not like anything interesting was happening anyway, if he got caught off guard now it would totally be his fault, but the realization was important enough that he didn't bother caring. [color=bc8dbf]"You know, now that I think of it. This guy had a gun, but he just threw it away."[/color] The words left his mouth pretty faintly, as the last of his breath left his lungs while he spoke. His eye scanned the horizon where he last saw the gun, and lo-and-behold it was lying in the sand barrel down just a couple inches away from the surf. With Metz still stuck inside of his strange fortress of stone, seemingly totally harmless inside. The spellcaster was probably doing something devious, or plotting some sort of mega-spell or something. Honestly, him being totally stationary was just keen. Shin's mind was left to wander and plot. Shin's body was also left to wander, as he began walking towards the sidearm. It didn't actually make sense either, the gun looked like it had a clip or something. Not like it was a single shot weapon, or at least he hoped it wasn't. Heck, even if it was, he'd still be able to use it as a clubbing tool. Whatever the case, Shin wanted that gun. So he moseyed across the edge of the beach towards it, not really paying much attention to his now harmless opponent. It'd probably take a couple seconds to reach the gun, maybe Metz would attack him as he passed the pillar. Or maybe Metz had accidentally killed himself when he summoned the rock. Crushing himself to death, [color=bc8dbf][i]Wouldn't that be funny?[/i][/color] Musing these thoughts as he casually strolled along the beach, swinging the heavy metal ball back and forth along the way. If only Shin knew how hilariously lucky he was that he started moving again.