The [i]Mother of Invention[/i] was a big ship. Lizzy had been on other frigates, as a matter of course, but it was the near skeleton-crew feeling of the freelancer quarters that made the ship seem so much larger and so much more empty. Her booted footsteps echoed hollowly in the corridors where few other [i]Invention[/i] personnel came. Someday that would change and the 50 rooms along the crew corridors would play host to others with skills equal to or superior to her own, but for now she was one of few uniquely treated to a feeling of utter loneliness. Those who did the grunt work for Project Freelancer generally only passed by this area through the main corridors. Due to that, Lizzy had been able to catch at least a quick glimpse of everyone who would be her new comrades over the last few days. There was hardly a double-handful of them yet. Lizzy stepped into the lift that would take her up to the next level, nodding at the first personnel member she saw. There would be a briefing later for the current freelancers regarding the fitness tests that would be occurring the next day and the training that would commence at the end of the tests, but Lizzy wanted to take advantage of the training room now, while she still had the chance. As she entered the room, the cheerful voice of Project Freelancer's AI greeted her. "Hello, Agent Massachusetts." "Hello, FILSS," Lizzy replied just as cheerfully. So far, the AI was the only "person" aboard the ship with whom she had had consistent conversations. "Can you set me up with a sniper training simulation?" "Of course. Preparing long-range weapons training. Would you like stationary or moving targets?" "Stationary for now, FILSS. And a weapon with live ammo, please." "Affirmative." Lizzy crossed the room as the floor opened to raise a table hosting an assortment of weapons. Lizzy took the sniper from the batch and loaded a clip in, palming two more before she turned away and allowed the table to sink into the floor behind her. As she turned, she used her helmet interface to activate her internal speakers. Music flooded her ears, just soft enough for her to be able to hear FILSS if she tried. FILSS had been busy while Lizzy's back was turned and targets at a variety of placements and distances had been set up for her. Lizzy took them all in for a moment, then she readjusted her grip on her weapon. Behind the opaque visor of her helmet, Lizzy's face reflected her sudden focus. "FILSS, start the timer." "Timer in 3... 2... 1... Activated." The first shot rang out in time with FILSS's last word and Lizzy's boots hammered into the floor as she ran forward two paces and then took to one knee. Three additional shots rang out, one after the other, finding homes in three separate targets, and Lizzy dropped the empty clip and replaced it in a few swift movements. With a sureness to her movements, Lizzy took aim, moving on before the echo of the bullet's rapport had faded away. The second clip fell to the floor and the final one went in. Lizzy stood, slowly backing away from the targets as she took aim for her last round. There was a slightly longer hesitation between shots as she moved, but bullet after bullet found its place. "Time!" Lizzy lowered the weapon and the volume on her internal speakers. The cobalt-and-white ODST helmet turned toward the clock and she let out a brief, heavy sigh. Two seconds faster than last time. It still wasn't enough, but it was better. "FILSS, how many bullets were bulls eyes?" "11 of 12." Lizzy's lips twisted into a grimace at herself, but she reserved her disappointment only to that. After a moment of dwelling on the one missed shot, she mentally shrugged it off and turned back to the already-present weapons table. She rolled her shoulders to loosen up as she went to get more ammunition. "FILSS? We'll try it with moving targets this time. And more distance."