Appearance: [img][/img] [hider=The Red Hood][/hider] Name: Joseph Carson Alias: The Red Hood Age: Twenty eight Gender: Male Occupation/ Employer/ Rank (if applicable): Formerly in charge of the now dismantled Red Hood Gang, works many odd jobs and has somehow become a target for gang initiates all around Gotham. Strange, but good pay as an apology from gangs of Gotham. Skills/ Abilities: Genius level intellect Experienced with gun handling skilled chemist expert hand-to-hand combatant Equipment: On a normal day, Joseph Carson carries what any civilian would, Pants, shirt, shoes, two or three handguns, a butterfly knife, a gutting knife, a fake grenade, a real grenade, the standard fare. Carson keeps his work life away from his normal life as much as he can, but even he can't help it when the two start to blur. In that event, a little 'bang bang' solves the problem. Carson carries various containers of gasses with various effects, all created by his friend-of-friends, Doc Isely. Doc Quinzel also gave him many interesting weapon ideas that sprouted from the psyche files of Arkham inmates, with fake guns added to the list, as well as large hammers, and other cracy contraptions. Psyche: Carson is smart, but in no means completely sane. He knows what Bruce Wayne of Wayne enterprises is up to. Some would say he's too smart for his own good. To think outside the box, one would have to get rid of the box altogether. No walls or obstacles in his mind to stop any path of thinking. History: Joseph was born to a nice family, something that was unheard of in a place like Gotham. Another thing was that his family was set in the middle class. He had nice clothes, he went to a nice school, life was... Nice. He couldn't have been more than seven or eight when Martha Wayne died, when the whole city shook. As he got older, Carson continued to become smarter and smarter. There was no stopping the young man in his studies. He would learn anything and everything, depraving himself of food, water, and sleep for days on end. In this time, he began to unhinge. His madness grew with his intellect, and one day, he decided to put it all to the test. The Red Hood gang in Gotham wasn't new news when Carson applied. Many people were the Hood, but they all died and another took their place. That was how it always went until Carson came into the picture. For months, he led the Red Hood gang in some of their most insane and elaborate heists. Everyone who tried to kill him and take the hood died, and eventually it got to the point where he had to slaughter the whole lot of them and start a new Red Hood gang, where he would be cemented as the titular character. It didn't work out, however. He couldn't get his own gang on it's feet, and decided to figuratively screw it and kill the other applicants. He remains as he Red Hood, causing crazy crimes as he pleases mainly to spite Bruce Wayne.