[b]Hi![/b] My name is Q and I am looking for a serious 1x1 partner! [u]Me:[/u] -Female -Twenty-two years old college student -Addicted to expensive tea and cheap bourbon -Has a rather strange sense of humour -Likes dark and gritty RPs -Dislikes animes, canons, slice of life and PWP -is okay with a smut, brutality, incest, gore [b]as long as it serves a purpose in RP ( !!! )[/b] -Able to post at least every other day -Prefers FxF relationships [u]Partner expectations:[/u] -A few post every week -Reasonable writing skill -At least a spark of creativity in their posts and characters -Willingness to help me with driving the plot -General politeness -No ditching without reason, I can handle a rejection [u]Fandoms:[/u] Dragon Age Witcher Warhammer Star Wars Mass Effect Metro Stalker [u]Settings:[/u] Fantasy Science Fiction Steampunk Post-apocalyptic Supernatural Dystopian Cyberpunk [u]Pairings:[/u] Knight/Mercenary x Noble Noble x Noble Bounty Hunter x Outlaw Witch x Paladin Witch/Cleric x Demon Jedi x Jedi Jedi x Sith Sith x Sith Inquisitor x Sister of Battle/Tech-priestess Adventurer x Adventurer Vampire x Hunter Mentor x Student [u]Ideas:[/u] Coming soon