[@WaddleDaisy][@Raijinslayer][@Lmpkio] [center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cmm7p3.png[/IMG] Ira was pissed to find that Revan had once again interrupted his plans. The lizard had wanted a fight . Ira intended to oblige him. He had completely forgotten about his previous plan with Taka. Something about being taken lightly irked Ira’s nerves. He heard Taka’s voice off in the distance as his attack made its move towards his opponent. [color=f7941d]"[b]Do[/b] you want that date or not?!"[/color] , replayed in his mind. Of course he did, just he couldn’t let a challenge go. Maybe she’d understand. Ira had no sympathy for the rest of the town, on the other hand. He soon realized his attack had been nullified , as a raging demon came making threats Ira paid no attention to. He began to yawn as Revan monologue about how precious Magnolia was and how he’d destroy Ira if he used his awesome power again. Soon after he left. All Ira could think about was apologizing to Taka. He at least owed her that. He figured him and Matt would have time to settle their differences later. Ira approached Taka and grabbed her hand. With the sincerest of smiles he spoke, [color=red] “ Mind if we take a walk. I have alot of apologizing to do. And yes I do want to take you out. That’s if you don’t mind.”[/color] He could tell she was quite angry with him but he could only smile. SHe was extremely cute when mad. Seemed like she wore anger well. [color=red] “ By the way Matt, I hope next time your girlfriend won’t interfere and get his panties in a bunch . To think I had you defeated. The great LizardKing. Guess that makes me greater.”[/color] [/center]