WIP Appearance: I would prefer sketches or drawings, but you can use a descriptor here, as well. [hr] Name: Kaiser Von Schroeder Age: 19 Ethnicity: Caucasian - German Height: 6'1" Weight: 175 lbs [hr] Manifestation: Warden Powers: Kaiser can inscribe runes, characters of ancient scripts, into the material plane and infuse them with the power of Aethr to create various magical effects, depending on the rune created. Each rune has its own unique effects, but Kaiser specializes in runes of the eldritch type, using dark, mysterious magic to ensure his quarry's capture. [indent][b]Snare[/b] - With this rune, upon being triggered, black tendrils warp from the location of the mark, wrapping around their target and drawing them in.[/indent] [hr] Personality: Background: Where they are present day, occupation, stuff like that.