[color=fff79a][b][center][h2]Beatrix Durandal[/h2][/center][/b][/color] A dark shadow flew over the city, the blackened angel doll seeing the very one who had called out the murder in the first place, normally a thing not all that strange but there factors bothering the puppet master, so she choose to meet the man vi proxy of her puppet first. Thankfully she had used a small wire and attached it to the mans sleeve before he left, allowing Shi to follow it right to him. Slamming into the tiled roof the doll stood intimidatingly over the alleyway that the man had entered, the sheer shock from its suddenly arrival causing him to stumble back against the wall. [color=fff79a][i][b]"You know, it is strange how easily you were able to spot such a thing.."[/b][/i][/color] [color=a2d39c][i]"W-What?!" [/i][/color] Leaping from the roof and down the alleyway to block off his escape the man didn't look all that afraid, but instead very angry, likely due to the fact he was not expecting to be caught. Suddenly he tried to pull out a dagger of some kind, but that was a mistake as the doll was far faster than a normal human and it angel forward and grabbed the mans hand and throat, twisting one to make him drop the dagger to the ground. Sparks kicked off as it made contact with the stone below, a magical weapon? Not something that common people have, well it was time to see how he reacted to the results of her investigation. [i][color=fff79a][b]"There were a total of four beings in the doorway to the house, not to mention how fast you were able to recognize such a scene... Sloppy work if you were intending to frame the very first people to arrive, but why? To draw attention away from something time sensitive?"[/b][/color][/i] [color=c4df9b][i]"How did you you know about the bodies?!"[/i][/color] [color=fff79a][i][b]"Heh, let us just say I have had close examination of such things before. Now, it is time to come along and tell me all you know~~" [/b][/i][/color] That was all almost too easy as the mans shocked face and words was what sealed the deal on what she had suspected, and so she decided to try out this whole kidnapping thing for real and had her angel pick up the knife and man before flying back to her location... It was time for a real nice talk just between the two of them. ------------- [color=fff79a][b]"A cave behind a waterfall... How uninspired. Though I suppose people won't look here for just that reason." [/b][/color] [color=c4df9b][i]"There, I-I showed you where it was. Now let me go!" [/i][/color] [color=fff79a][b]"Oh, I never said I would. Stay put, I will be back soon enough. Wire Bondage" [/b][/color] Suddenly thin almost snatched the man from her black angel, slamming him into the near by cliff and wrapping around him to keep him just where she wanted him. Along with a few strands for a makeshift gag. Motioning for both angels to take the lead Beatrix entered into the hideout, a place that they had supposedly been using to store magical weapons for their none mage members. Whatever this organisation of theirs was it was only a tiny tiny part of something bigger, that was all she could obtain from the low level grunt in such short amount of time, heck she hadly had time to send out a faceless doll just to make sure that Sage knew where they were. There were so few people, was something going on? Shi and Ari dispatched two entrance guards with ease before entering into the main area, a network of caves and the like but just as she suspected they kept the girl in the main part, ready to be moved, and just so happened to be a girl dressed in rather rainbow like colors stood before her, seemed like the girl had managed to free herself? [color=fff79a][b]"You there! I am Beatrix Durandal of the Wizards of Fiore, be thankful that someone like me has come to rescue you."[/b][/color] [@Leslie Hall][@Akashi Mayhiro]