Metz spent just a second casting his spell, but it was all that was really required. His opponent’s path to the weapon was set, allowing Metz to plan for where he would be, though Shin’s sudden increase in pace meant he hadn’t managed to double the circle’s radius, it would still be more than enough. Appearing on the sand about two feet from the firearm in the direction Shin was coming from, a brown circle two feet in diameter materialised under Shin's feet. Almost as soon as it had manifested itself however Metz activated it, leaving little room for his quick opponent to spot the danger as he stood in its epic-centre. His eye was ultimately fixed on the firearm, not the sand. Escaping the rock was a difficult prospect as it ruptured the sand around the edge of the circle and burst up and towards the man in a lethal cone of spiked protrusions with roughly four inch gaps between them. The rock moved at a cool two hundred feet per second, so even to the advanced observer it had pretty much completed its passage the moment it appeared. However, to confound Shin’s issues his feet were also set upon by a small replication of the stone cone, which quickly sought to impale his ankles and keep him immobile as the larger and more deadly spikes burst up and towards him. They could only reach up to four feet high, but even so the end result could quite easily be Shin’s death as he was skewered from every direction at once in a full circle. If he escaped the end result would see the rock form a spiked cone, but if he did not those same spikes would find their place in his body, and what a gruesome sight that would be. Metz stood inside the stone pillar, awaiting the result, planning out his next move if his surprise attack failed him.