Civilization Name: The Velitii Technology Age/Culture: Bronze Age History: The Velitii can trace their history back to their first ancestors who split from proto-Elvish stock some 900 years ago. At that time, the Velitii were still nomadic hunter-gatheres using crude stone tools. However, after migrating outward and coming across their new harsh arctic home, the Velitii were forced to take refuge in caves and ravines. Here, they discovered copper. At first, copper was valued for aesthetic purposes, and became a symbol of the higher class. However, it was later found that copper could be worked, an this lead to the creation of the first copper tools. These tools allowed the elves to work into the ravine walls and carve homes into the face of mountains and gorge walls. They quickly developed advanced and complex cities in the mountains. Cultural Elements: The social structure of the Velitii is based on the following hierarchy Priests Kings Metalworkers Hunters Soldiers Artisans Laborers Artists Slaves Their religion is based on the principals of their environment. It demonizes snow and ice, calling them the forces of death. Fire is sacred amongst them, and their highest god is the god of fire. Their priesthood is made up of the rare individuals who show skill in magic. If a child shows even a little skill in magic, they are whisked away to begin training as a priest or priestess. The training is rigorous and brutal, as they must spend time in the harsh environments of the tundra as part of the training. They are also trained as warriors. Elven sacrifice is also a part of their religion, usually to the sun god. The victims are usually war captives. They have no access to horses, having spent time in the mountains for the majority of their civilizations existence. Instead, large llama like animals native to these mountains are used for pack animals and breed for war. The cities and small kingdoms of the Velitii elves are not unified. Each city is in perpetual war with each other, though battles are not often fought due to the challenge of their environment and the fact that the soldiers are usually citizen-soldiers with little training and must provide their own equipment. However, the city of Intik has begun to rise in importance, largely controlling surrounding areas through Economic might or military occupation The Velitii are a very artistic civilization, even if artists are low on the social scale. They are skilled in pottery and mural art work. They however, wear simple clothes, woolen tunics and pants, with fur coats and hats when outside. They also have a sort of gender equality. Due to the harshness of their home, the Velitii seemed to have not developed gender roles. Females serve in the military, as rulers, and as religious leaders, among other roles. Family is very important to them, with families often having extremely close bonds. Population: 850,000 Benefits And Weaknesses: As magic is strictly religious, there are certain dogmas that prevent the research of magic, leading to slow development into magic areas As they live a violent and conflicting existence, the Velitii are masters of warfare. They have great skill the Phalanx formation, yet they lack decent Calvary due to their mountainous home. They also have a hard time in hot and sunny environments. As they are subterranean mountain dwellers, the entire race of elves that composes the Velitii civilization are Albinos. This adaptation allowed them to absorb all the little light they get and acts as camouflage. They are great with mining and have a trade market of precious metals due to the fact they live in artificial cave cities. Finally, due to their cold environment and their mountain home, their agriculture is somewhat primitive. They have to rely on root vegetables grown on mountain terraces. Their prime source of food is meat, domestic and wild.