[center][h3][color=Coral]Alice Vetrov[/color][/h3][/center] Alice had done her best to ignore the commotion outside, but even Isshum seemed to notice that something was afoot. The strange feeling of intense magic pressing against her skin like a thick blanket, practically suffocating her. Even little James clung onto her, sensing that something was wrong even despite his lack of magical awareness. She gently stroked his head, softly telling him that everything was fine. In truth she wasn't sure if she could believe it herself. A few uncomfortable moments passed, and the magic power was dispersed as quickly as it had formed. The cold touch of Revan's magic pulsed through her, making her feel nauseous. Even though Alice was human, her connection to the Angels made her quite sensitive to dark magic. She clutched her chest briefly. She couldn't tell what felt worse; the powerful presence of Matt's adversary, or Revan's own magic trickling its way through the area. As if trying to disconnect himself from the unpleasant feeling, Isshum mentioned his desire to assist Alice a few moments after Kuroku had announced a mission to track down a Dark Guild. It looked like serious stuff, but Alice wasn't that inclined to participate. She was more useful at the guild, and she had James to look after today. She smiled back at Isshum, nodding her head in approval. "[color=Coral]You'll help me then? That is great news.[/color]" Before she could go into the details of her task, Revan came in through the door and started asking for medicine. Alice sighed, turning around to face a table before placing her hand along the wooden grain. "[color=Coral]There isn't enough drugs on the planet to stop you from wanting to hurt an annoying kid, Revan.[/color]" Despite her joke, Alice summoned a golden Magic Circle along the desk and began summoning a set of beakers and test tubes with various odd colored liquids. They all smelt as foul as they looked. Alice, unaffected by the odors, quickly began mixing specific quantities of each liquid. The process was very quick and simple for Alice, although to the untrained eye it would seem as if she was doing something impressive. In all actuality, she was just mixing two potent medicines together to create an even stronger one. Normally she wouldn't do this, but she figured Revan's unique body would require a stronger kick than most. "[color=Coral]Alright, and just a little more of this. Stir it around. And, voila![/color]" She poured the medicine, which had blended into a rather unflattering brown color, into a small vial and popped a wooden cork into it. She took out a pen and scrawled some details about the medicine onto an empty label; simple facts such as the recommended dosage and when to take it. Turning back to Revan, she handed the vial back to him and gave him an expression that told him of her gratitude for calming the situation outside. His comment about James brought a smile to her face. The young boy had been paying close attention to his mothers quick hands. He very much enjoyed watching Alice work. "[color=Coral]Yes, this is James. He'll be spending a lot of time here with me. Hopefully this medicine will ease any pain, but it may make you drowsy. It also tastes like garbage, so you know.[/color]" She wrinkled her nose, signifying the horrid stench of the elixir. With Revan settled, Alice turned back to Isshum and stared up at the clock. James took a step forward away from Alice, standing closer to Isshum than before. It would seem the little display of magic made the young child quite fond of the Dragon Slayer. "[color=Coral]So, shall we wait for your friends or get started right away? If we hurry you may be able to attend that Dark Guild mission.[/color]" [@Renny] [@Raijinslayer] [center][h3][color=MistyRose]April Quarts, the Rainbow Mage[/color][/h3] [i]30 Minutes prior to the arrival of Beatrix[/i][/center] The cell was dark, cold and completely lacking any color whatsoever. April couldn't stand that. It was bad enough that her situation was dire, but to deny her of her most favorite pleasure in life? Forcing her to wait in such drab conditions? Now she would simply not stand for this. The young girls long hair, tied into four pig tails, pulsed with magic and turned bright red like a tomato. Her clothes followed suit, shifting colors to match her expression of fury. Storming to the cell door, April began to bang against the hard metal with her small fists, shrieking at the guards stationed outside. "[color=MistyRose]Hey Asshats! Why are you keeping me locked in a cell? Is a little girl too much for you pussies to handle?! Huh?![/color]" Based on appearances, the little girls foul mouth was quite unexpected. Unfortunately, the guards assigned to watch her had been dealing with this onslaught of verbal abuse for days on end. Truly the girls colorful insults knew no end. "Oh. My god. Shut the hell up you brat, you're making my head hurt." One guard sighed, exhausted. He couldn't wait for his shift to end. "[color=MistyRose]Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me quiet down so you can get some rest.[/color]" The silence that followed was too good to be true, and suddenly the banging and yelling seemed to double in volume; if that was even possible. "[color=MistyRose]Yeah right! As if I give a shit if you have a headache you massive turd! Drop dead fetus face! I hope you choke on your own spit![/color]" The guard began to grow impatient, cracking his knuckles as he turned to face April at the cell door. "I said to shut u-" Before he could finish his threat, April had spat through the bars into his face. He stood them for a moment, fuming. "That's it, you little bitch. You're dead!" The guard grabbed hold of a large, heart shaped staff with a glowing Lacrima of power floating in the center of the heart. Using his key, he opened up the cell door and shoved April into a corner. "I'm gonna beat you with your own weapon you little shit!" The guard held the staff up high, ready to strike April with it like a mace. April stood there in the corner, cowering in fear. The guard smiled deviously at the little girls expression, but his smile soon faded when April's face turned from scared to frightening in a split second. "[color=MistyRose]Ha! What a dumbass you are.[/color]" April whistled a cheerful tune, before smacking her hands on her cheeks and sticking out her tongue at the guard; delivering one hell of a raspberry. Confused, the guard didn't even notice the handle of the staff pulsating with Magic Power. At April's command, large spikes fanned out from the weapons handle, skewering the hand of the unfortunate guard who dared to touch Iris without April's permission. Wincing in pain, the guard made the mistake of dropping the weapon; which April grabbed without a moments hesitation. "What the hell was tha-" "[color=MistyRose]Eat dirt, shit fer brains![/color]" In the guards confusion, April took a step forward and swung Iris back behind her; prepping the attack. "[color=MistyRose]Sky Hammer![/color]" When she brought the staff forward, a magic circle materialised underneath her and began to reshape the form of her weapon. Just as it was about to make impact, the staff turned into a large hammer flying at the Guard with all the momentum and strength April had put behind it. Surprisingly, the impact was powerful enough to send the guard flying out from the cell and crashing into the cave wall on the opposite side of the area. The guard sat in a large crater in the wall, knocked out from the intense impact. April laughed maniacally, spinning Iris around her before delivering a gentle kiss to the large hammer. Her attack had caught the attention of the other guards around the facility, bringing a good four of them around her. The little girl smiled maliciously, twirling around as a large magic circle encompassed the area around her. "[color=MistyRose]Color Switch! Rainbow Excalibur![/color]" Magic pulsed through Iris and April, causing the little girls clothes to fluctuate different colors before settling on a majestic combination of silver and pink. Even her hair changed to a light amber color. Iris had been reformed into a simply gigantic sword, easily three times the size of the wielder. Yet without any effort, the little girl picked up the blade and put it over her shoulder; dramatically beckoning to the guards. "[color=MistyRose]I hope you douchebags are ready to face the unholy wrath of the Rainbow Mage![/color]" [center][i]Later, when Beatrix arrived.[/i][/center] April casually sat on the back of one of the unconscious guards she had just dealt with. Prodding his cheek with the back of her staff. She hummed happily, watching as the man drooled in his sleep. She stood up, placing one of her boots on his back firmly as he grunted in pain. "[color=MistyRose]Stupid lackeys. I'm insulted that they didn't put anyone mildly challenging to guard me. I hate being underestimated.[/color]" The girl spun around, spreading her color change magic to all of the guards. With a snap of her fingers, she adorned all of them in pink polka dots and red love hearts. "[color=MistyRose]Much better! You could use a little color on your dumb uniforms.[/color]" While she taunted the knocked out guards, a blonde woman entered the main area with two angel figures beside her. Defensively, April turned to her and held out Iris; prepared to defend herself. "[color=MistyRose]What?! You want a piece of me too?![/color]" The young girl pulsed with anger, her hair returning to a red color. Yet when the puppet master spoke, she mentioned that she had come to rescue her. The thought made her laugh. "[color=MistyRose]What, your eyes don't work or were you just born stupid? Look around, I don't need rescuing![/color]"