[s]platinum[/s] April has arrived, your shit is wrecked. [hider=The Rainbow Mage][center][h2][color=MistyRose]April Quartz[/color][/h2] [img]http://i1.ruliweb.daumcdn.net/uf/image/U01/ruliweb/55E1FCFB4659900017[/img][h3]The Rainbow Mage[/h3] [color=silver][i]Character Theme[/i][/color] [color=MistyRose][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRDwIoqonMQ]Kandeko[/url][/i][/color] "[color=MistyRose][i]Have no fear! The super awesome Rainbow Mage has arrived![/i][/color]" [i]April has a very childish stature, standing no taller than 5' and being incredibly light. She has a very light complexion with incredibly soft and delicate features. Physically, she gives off the impression of innocence with her wide, green doe eyed expression and cheerful demeanor. Her long hair is tied into four pig tails; two large ones that fall all the way down to her ankles, and two small ones that sit atop of her hair. Her hair has an odd, pastel pink color to it; fitting almost too well with the rest of her attire. April favors very light, pastel colors for her little sailor suit that she wears. She sports a brass cowbell on her chest instead of bow and a pair of white wing accessories sit along her hips. One should pay close attention to her outfit, as it has a tendency to change color thanks to her magic.[/i][/center][hr][b][u][color=MistyRose]Family Name[/color][/u][/b] [i]Quartz[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Given Name(s)[/u][/color] [i]April[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Alias/Nickname[/u][/color] [i]The Rainbow Mage[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Gender[/u][/color] [i]Female[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Age[/u][/color] [i]13[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Birthday[/u][/color] [i]December 23rd, Capricorn[/i] [color=MistyRose][b][u]Marital Status[/u][/b][/color] [i]Single[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Sexuality[/u][/color] [i]Unclear[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Known Family[/u][/color][list] [*] [i]Walter Quartz, Father 42[/i] [*] [i]Rose Quartz, Mother 39[/i][/list] [color=MistyRose][b][u]Alignment[/u][/b][/color] [i]Chaotic Neutral[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Likes[/u][/color] [i]Pink, Sweet Things, Risks[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Dislikes[/u][/color] [i]Cowards, Vegetables, People who underestimate her.[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Personality[/u][/color] [i]When one first looks at April, people expect to see a very sweet young girl; the pinnacle of innocence. April Quartz will shock those people with her excessive personality traits and desire to have her presence known wherever she goes. April can be rude, brash, obnoxious and sometimes just downright violent for a girl her age. She talks a lot of smack and has the guts to stand up to those who exceed her strength. Her wild and unpredictable nature can make her quite exhausting to be around. She enjoys testing her strength, considering it as a form of playful banter between friends. Yet most kids her age just aren't down to get rough like she is, making a wizards guild the perfect playground for a girl like her. While most would think that she has no particular goal, April has her own reasons to pursue power. She has a very strict code of honor if you can believe it, and she desires power to prove to those who would look down on her because of her lineage that she is nothing like her parents. One of her most defining characteristics is her inability to detect when she's gone too far, in both conversation and battle. This can be quite disastrous for her but also beneficial as she is always constantly pushing her limits.[/i] [color=MistyRose][b][u]Guild Allegiance[/u][/b][/color] [i]None so far[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Guild Mark Location[/u][/color] [i]N/A[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Mage Rank[/u][/color] [i]C Rank[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Magic Type[/u][/color] [i]Caster and Holder[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Specialisation[/u][/color] [i][u]Color Change Magic[/u] and [u]Rainbow Weapon Magic[/u][/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Category[/u][/color] [i]Offensive, Various Ranges[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Description[/u][/color] [b]Color Change Magic[/b] [i]A very basic magic that allows the user to change the color of their outfit, hair, weapon to anything they desire. While this isn't a primary magic for April, it is her favorite and requires practically no magic power to use constantly. It is not unheard of her to be constantly swapping the color of her outfit during combat. This magic is quite fitting due to the unpredictable nature of how she fights.[/i] [b]Rainbow Weapon Magic[/b] [i]A holder magic utilised by the wielder of the legendary magical artifact: Iris. The Staff of Iris has the ability to change its form into practically anything the wielder desires, with limits based on size and functionality. Essentially this allows April to call upon many different variations of weapons through battle; anything from frying pans and hammers to bombs, bullets and even a giant bubble blower. The greatest advantage this magic has is how unpredictable it is. Defending against a weapon that can change its form with mere willpower can prove to be quite difficult to those who are not accustomed to fighting April. Some weapons can even have their own unique magical properties.[/i] [hider=Rainbow Weapon Magic Spells][list] [*] [u]Color Switch![/u] [i]A spell that adds extra magic power to the next weapon April switches to, adding additional power. Additionally, causes April's outfit to change color every time it is cast.[/i] [*] [u]Rainbow Hopper![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a Pogo Stick, allowing April to jump great distances to escape or close the distance after an attack. Color Switch! - Greatly increases the jump distance and even allows for Rainbow Hopper to stomp enemies with incredible force.[/i] [*] [u]Magic Carpet![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a heart shaped carpet, allowing brief hovering. Can be used to crash directly into opponents. Color Switch! - Increases travel speed of Magic Carpet, also leaves a trail of sparkles that blinds enemies.[/i] [*] [u]Sky Hammer![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a large hammer, giving April the ability to use heavy, impact strikes perfect for dealing with a heavy defense. Color Switch! - Increases the size of Sky Hammer, additionally adding the ability to create seismic shocks with each swing of the hammer that disturb the footing of everyone nearby.[/i] [*] [u]Heaven Swinger![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a large baseball bat. Can be used to knock away adversaries or projectiles. Color Switch! - Heaven Swinger! increases in size and gains the ability to deflect one magical attack back at its caster.[/i] [*] [u]Rainbow Bubble![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a large bubble blower. Can be used to create a slow moving, magical bubble that momentarily traps whatever it touches inside of it before bursting. Color Switch! - Increases the velocity of the bubbles, as well as granting the ability to create multiple bubbles at one time.[/i] [*] [u]Dream Fan![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a large steel fan. Can be used for slashing attacks as well as defensively as an adequate shield. Color Switch! - Dream Fan gains the ability to release cutting slashes of wind that can knock her opponent airborne.[/i] [*] [u]Rainbow Excalibur![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a great sword, allowing for great offensive capabilities. Color Switch! - Increases the size of Rainbow Excalibur while simultaneously decreasing its weight, allowing for April to be surprisingly nimble and quick with such a massive weapon.[/i] [*] [u]Bullet Time![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a large sunflower, capable of firing comically large bullets that deal heavy, impactful blows to her opponent over a great distance. Color Switch! - Allows for Bullet Time! to create three massive bullets that home in on their target at an alarming speed.[/i] [*] [u]Rainbow Boom![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a large rose, capable of firing comically large bombs that have a short travel distance, but erupt on impact. Color Switch! - The bombs created by Rainbow Boom come equipped with legs, running forward a short distance after landing before erupting. Their explosion is larger.[/i] [*] [u]Meow Meow Mace![/u] [i]Switches Iris to the form of a large flail in the shape of a cat's head. Can deal heavy, striking attacks over a moderate distance. Color Switch! - Meow Meow Mace! doubles in size and releases an empowering roar with every strike, increasing the speed and strength of nearby allies momentarily.[/i] [*] [u]Ultimate Color Switch![/u] [i]April's ultimate spell, sacrificing a large amount of Magic Power to add incredible power to the next form Iris takes. This form has all the abilities of it's regular form, but grants April an immense amount of speed, strength and Stamina to unleash an onslaught of attacks in one form.[/i][/list][/hider] [color=MistyRose][b][u]Non-magic Skills[/u][/b][/color] [i]Surprising strength and stamina for her age, able to wield various weapons effectively. Her fighting style can only be described as unpredictable. This is her greatest strength, as she has yet to learn any particular style of combat but mostly relies on catching opponents off guard with an onslaught of various weapons that they must learn to deal with within a moments notice.[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Equipment[/u][/color] [b]Staff of Iris[/b] [i]A legendary magical artifact that once belonged to April's mother before she was arrested for her crimes in the civil war. Now it belongs to April, who makes use of its great power. The Staff of Iris is able to take many forms based on the will of the wielder. Some have compared the likeness of this weapon's magic to the Arc of Embodiment, but the weapons limits seem to be more narrow than the Lost Magic. It can only create other forms of weapons or objects, and can only maintain one form at a time. Maintaining a form doesn't cost magic power, but swapping to it does. It may not cost a lot of power to switch forms, but each form has their own way of consuming power and the wielder must be careful with excessively switching forms lest their Magic Power be drained too quickly. See the above image on the sheet for the appearance of the staff.[/i] [color=MistyRose][u]Miscellaneous Information[/u][/color] [i]April calls herself an orphan, even though both of her parents are still alive in jail.[/i] [color=MistyRose][b][u]Biography[/u][/b][/color] [i]April Quartz is forced to bear the mark of traitor for the actions of her parents during the Civil War. Despite this, she is a determined young girl who wants nothing more than to grow in power to prove to Fiore that she is more than just her parents child. It is her desire to become known as one of the strongest wizards in Fiore, but she still has a long way to go. With the help of her legendary staff, Isis, she intends to complete her goal. The Quartz family were an elite group of mages that represented the Magic Council before the war. They held great emphasis on power and bringing pride to the family name. April's father, Walter, was obsessed by this desire. He wanted the Quartz family to become renowned as the strongest magical family in the world. It was this desire that he passed onto April from a young age, training her viciously to use magic. Yet April wasn't originally very keen on magic. She mostly learnt Color Change magic to give herself a variety of different outfit combinations to wear when she went out. She called herself the Rainbow Mage as somewhat of a joke. Her reluctance to learn had always frustrated her father, who eventually labelled her as a lost cause and began focusing on improving his own power. Being shunned by her own parents proved to be quite relaxing, as April was able to do whatever she wanted whenever. She spent most of her days running a much around the family mansion, playing with the servants and inviting the neighborhood children to come and join her. It was a very peaceful life; one that she was content with. She had no desire to become a mage and was just happy for her Color Change magic. When the war broke out, April had never expected that it would involve her family. Yet their lust for power had lead her parents to fighting against the Wizard Guilds. April was forced to listen to their tales of carnage day after day, growing more and more disgusted with them. One day she even spoke out against them, calling them out as the evil people they were. April's mother didn't take too kindly to the insult and banished her from the family. Being only a young child, April was frightened. She had nowhere to go and couldn't take care of herself. Thankfully, her mother was generous enough to organise for her to be taken to an orphanage. She spent the next few months there, listening to whatever news about the war she could. When the war finally ended, April was thankful to find that her parents had not been executed for their crimes; but rather just imprisoned. With things returning back to normal, April was happier than ever. That was until she began to notice how different people were treating her. She was no longer the poor, abandoned child of the Quartz family; but rather looked upon with distrust. People wanted April to be locked away with her parents, a mere child who hadn't done anything to harm anyone. Their attitude caused April to grow quite the temper, refusing to take any lip from anyone. She hated her parents for putting her through all of this. To make matters worse, the new Magic Council came and visited April at the orphanage to present her with Iris, the staff that belonged to her mother. At first she was disgusted. How could they give her the weapon that her mother had ended so many lives with? They refused to accept no as an answer, so April was stuck with the cursed object. One day, a few boys at the orphanage pushed April too far. They tripped her over, kicked mud in her face, and yelled horrible slurs at her about how she and her family were dirty traitors to Fiore. April was angry; not at the boys, but at her parents for tainting her name. Reluctantly, she began training with Iris; learning to use its powers over the years. She became quite an adequate young mage, with a new found desire to grow stronger. She would follow her parents pursuit of power; but not for any malicious gain as they had. She would grow stronger and become a renowned Wizard of Fiore; demanding the respect as a person that was denied to her by her parents.[/i][/hider] I already had the sheet accepted by GM's but I wanted to keep it as a surprise. Why? Because it's my birthday in 3 days and I wanted a surprise.