This is where i will put my man for now. Also, if I make him too strong at the start(or any point later on) just whistle and gimme a call and tell me to fuckin get my shit under control, and I will do so ASAP! [hider=WIP It- Devo (1980)] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ueno Takajuka [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Half Jap-Half White. [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Weight:[/b] 147 Ibs [b]Manifestation:[/b] Geomancer [b]Powers:[/b] Ueno is a painter, and the earth his canvas. As of the start, however, he cannot make any grand strokes with his brush, but instead is only capable of small and minute marks and lines. Ueno can also craft his own 'paint' if you will, and can mix it together so that he has colors of his own choice as well to use upon the canvas. However, just like any other artist, Ueno cannot simply undo changes he has made onto his piece. He either needs to restart, or find a way to make it work as it is. [b]Not Vague Shit:[/b] As of now, Ueno is capable of small-scale earthen constructs. He is also able to create potions and concoctions of both earthen and herbs that are also found in the spirit world. Most of the time Ueno has no one idea the fuck he is doing when he is brewing and his creations will have random or unwanted effects. [b]Personality:[/b] Stuff that matters? [b]Background:[/b] Ill wait to see what others write first 8D [b]Other:[/b] Every good witch-doctor needs a [url=]mask[/url]! He also takes the stereotypical aspects of witch-doctery and such very seriously.Ueno dreams of making some pretty bad-ass [url=]golems[/url] to fight with too! [/hider]