“Well, now I’ve seen everything.” Metz muttered, shaking himself as he released the magic eye spell before it could drain any more of his mana. He was still doing alright by his own estimation, though it was difficult to judge accurately exactly how much energy he had at any one time. Ignoring that specific plight for a while, he returned his attention to what he had just witnessed. As far as he could tell he’d just witnessed the closest thing he’d ever seen to a true anomaly in physics. That was the first time he had ever witnessed someone escape the earth circle after walking straight into it, as far as he could tell the method by which his enemy had achieved it probably should have led to him being cut in half, but he disregarded that issue and dealt with the reality of the situation. The man was bleeding somewhat apparently and had just jumped into the lake, where the heavy water should have been tiring him out if the gravitational effects he had experienced thus far were what he assumed. However, he had finally discovered perhaps by accident the fairly obvious flaw in Metz fort. If his enemy just fled the area he would bleed mana and be left with no offensive capability, so with a sigh he reduced his stone fort to rocks at his feet and entered out into the light, blinking rapidly. It was unlikely that Metz would actually be able to see his opponent if he had fled beneath the water, making him lament the loss of his magic eye, though the cost would have been equally lamentable. If he indeed was unable to spot him and wasn't accosted immediately he would be forced to slowly sheath his knife and look around, before walking a little higher up the sandy bank keeping his eye on the water’s edge. There wasn’t much he could do now, though to his mind he had probably done enough, the man’s wounds weren't life threatening, but they were certainly worse than his. About forty feet from the water’s edge he stopped and faced the water, sighing as he realised he was going to just have to burn through his mana. He looked at the ground at his feet, less sand at that point and more like loose dirt, and decided he might as well use his mana for something. Patiently, he began to weave, keeping a close eye on the water that stretched out before him, it was unlikely his foe could retrieve himself from the depths without alerting the mage, at least not on his side of the lake.