Blood oozed from his feet and into the water, and Shin knew it would spell trouble. It left a trail of crimson beneath the violet tides, sweeping towards the shore. A line pointing directly towards him. That wasn't the worst of his problems, the worst was his pain. There was no way of getting around the holes in the bottom of his feet. His heels had been nearly torn off, and there was no quick fix for a wound that serious. Even worse, was that he would heal over before he could properly bandage it. It would hang painfully from his feet, until he was returned to the hall. With a bit of weak paddling, the assassin began swimming towards the cliff face on the opposing side. Shin didn't have a real goal right now, aside from moving farther away. It wasn't as though he would be forced to the surface, no, he doesn't need to breathe. The pressure was problematic, and his swimming was sluggish at best. If he hadn't gone for the gun, he wouldn't have had to deal with this. Problem with that, is there was literally no way that he could have seen the attack coming. It was as though he were fighting an angry god that liked to play around with someone, but doesn't like being seen. On top of the pain and frustration, he was also dealing with the huge problem of whatever the fuck his vision was doing right now. There was a massive shift in his visual ability while underneath the water, and he couldn't tell if it was a pain induced hallucination of poisoning. Whether poison or pain, it was hugely distracting. There had come a time when he first earned his ocular prowess, and he had to learn how to see with new sight. This was very similar to that, except now things were getting into extra-spectrums. There was something profoundly disturbing about seeing colors that didn't exist five seconds ago.