[@The Slenderman][@JG] Kouh stopped spinning the ring and caught it in a on her shoulder and hand "Mr. Kyato, isn't that a bit dangerous?" Kouh asked him with a quizzical look, "I mean what if they are lying about being an orphan?" She continued. After she finished asking this she looked over at JG and saw that she had picked out a sword that suited her. She Leaned back on a wall and just stared at the ceiling for a bit. Kouh was wondering what wolf was up to this time, even though he was smart he was still an animal and that would sometimes get wolf in trouble. When he gets in trouble wolf can get kinda.... violent, often reverting back to more animalistic states of mind. As she thought this her grip tightened on the ring blade causing it to creak slightly. Little did Kouh know that wolf was fine and even helping out people around the market and outside the walls.