Jade paused to admire the evocation Jimmy performed. Compressing that much space was impressive. The other team would be casting whatever spell now, but immediately after the bang were the roars of the vampires. The howls filled the air and they burst through the windows of the building. Kain and herself took it as a signal to unleash their own spells. [color=82ca9d]“Himi”[/color] She muttered the word and the will she gathered was unleashed through the tips of her index and middle fingers of her right hand. A stream of white fire shot forth and pierced the winged beast through the belly and the two immediately behind it. Those that didn’t die in a spray of blood and guts were consumed in fire and fell from the sky. Jade moved her hand fingers sharply in a horizontal line, cutting the vampires Kain sent smashing back to the building. But there more monsters pouring out the building and she saw Kain ready for close quarter combat. For a moment she thought of unleashing Roux, but there wasn’t enough heat in their surrounding to kill all their enemies. Most will probably catch on fire but having burning vampire monster bats hurtling at them probably wasn’t the best move. Jade readied for the incoming vampires hoping that whatever spell the others have prepared would be unleashed soon.