[hider=Appearance][URL=http://s848.photobucket.com/user/rawrespada4/media/pokemon1.jpg_zpsxcv5tyld.png.html][IMG]http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab42/rawrespada4/pokemon1.jpg_zpsxcv5tyld.png[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Iron Hawthorne [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Gravity Control (Self and Touch range only)-[/b] Iron has the ability to at an almost instantaneous speed be able to lower or increase the effect of gravity of himself or anything he has contact with. The full extent of this is not known but Iron continues to push himself to new limits. Currently he can amplify gravity to just over 50 times Earth’s normal gravity and decrease gravity into low negatives maxing at about -3 Earth’s gravity. [b]Immunity to Adverse Gravitational Effects (ex: bends)-[/b] This pretty much explains itself. Iron’s power includes a natural immunity to the adverse effects of gravity, such as bends (a result of changing gravity/pressure too fast). Other preventive effects this includes are not having blood vessels burst from sudden shifts in gravity and his heart and lungs still work at full capacity despite the increase in gravity. This however does not extend to others that are influenced by his power nor does the apply to how he can move under higher gravity, meaning that at anything past 5G has near no ability to move. [b] High Speed Impact Resistance-[/b] This power only applies to falling impact. He takes punches, impacts from cars, bats, etc. as a normal person would. For some reason though his power grants him an incredibly high resistance to damage sustained from falling at high speeds. He can however still injure himself it is just much harder. [b]Weapons:[/b] Reinforced Steel Plated Gloves [b]Bio:[/b] Iron grew up in the great nowhere of the Midwest United States. His childhood filled with reading, comics, and video games. In school he was apathetic, reserved and in general a shy student. Not going out of his way to make friends or answer questions. However his grades reflected intelligence beyond what his apathy would have one believe. It was in this time, as a young child that Iron dreamed of being a super hero. Like those of the comics he read. As with most childhood dreams this faded as Iron grew that is until he began to hear stories of people developing super human powers. With the knowledge in hand he began researching powered people and powers in general, continually wishing he would develop his own. As luck, or perhaps fate, would have it Iron did eventually begin to demonstrate powers of his own. At first he wasn’t aware of it. His power only created small modulations in his weight, making him feel a little heavy one day or light on his feet the next. It wasn’t until one night while sitting on his roof, on his laptop continuing his research into powered individuals that he became aware of his own power. Climbing down from the roof back into his second story window his foot slipped sending him plummeting to the ground… or rather leaving him floating in the air. In this moment, panic-stricken at such a near-death moment and exalted with the unbelievable reality before him that he realized he could make his dreams of being a hero become true. He spent the next several months training in this use of his power. Learning to make himself heavier and lighter at will, gaining a semblance of control while floating at zero and negative gravities. Not just content in practicing the physical applications of his power he also spent time studying physics and in particular how gravity worked. Wanting to be a hero he recognized early on that there was a need for secrecy and kept his power hidden as much as possible. It wasn’t until nearly a year after he had discovered his power that he was both comfortable with the control of it and confident in his own skill that he attempted his first and so far last heroic action. And in classic hero style it was of course a bank robbery. The cops were already in pursuit of the armed suspects but Iron was set to make his grand entrance, floating almost a half mile above the highway that the chase was speeding down. Taking time to aim himself and projecting the path of the getaway vehicle Iron fell out of the sky at roughly 3 times gravity, quickly reaching the terminal velocity of nearly 350 mph. At this speed Iron rocketed through the roof of the van that the suspects were driving, instantly killing one. Another of the men leveled there gun on Iron and released a burst of fire as Iron grabbed his shoulder and amplified the gravitational effect on the man until blood vessels burst in the man’s eyes and he slumped unresponsive. Left with only the driver, who was freaking out at the sight of the 16 year old hoodie clad teen with only sun glasses and bandana around his face to mask his identity, Iron reached towards the man. Having seen the effects that Iron had had on his cohort the driver jerked away. Unfortunately he jerked away while driving over 120 mph and while still holding the steering wheel sending the van rolling. It was nearly a day later when Iron woke in a hospital, having broken his arm and collarbone and having a bullet wound in his side. Here lying in the hospital bed Iron was informed that two of three bank robbers had been killed by his actions and that he would be standing trail for his crimes. It was something that Iron had never thought of. He was a hero, heroes didn’t go to jail and they certainly weren’t treated as criminals for having stopped criminals. Something was innately wrong with the world if this was the reaction he was to be given. It was however a short lived problem as in the middle of the night he vanished from the hospital. Not of his own accord, or even his own knowledge. He awoke to find himself in what could only be described as a luxurious apartment. And to the voice of woman speaking to him through a PA system, that was nearly 3 years ago. Iron has since been a resident of Miss Dawson’s and works as a conflict resolution expert. Diffusing fights and helping to keep peace in what is essentially a small town filled with people capable of annihilating each other. [b]Dreams/Wishes:[/b] To be accepted by society with his powers and be able to use them to help at least that was his dream since imprisonment however being a hero doesn’t seem as appealing. [b]Evil, Good, Walking the Line:[/b] Ever attempting to ere on the side of good, but unjust imprisonment continually pushes him towards the less than good. [b]Siblings (If Any):[/b] None [b]Pets (If Any):[/b] None