[quote=@HushedWhispers] Was it the Endless Forms one? Sorry, sort of stalked your profile and I'd only saw the first season so I'd love to do something OC based with you. Even if you'd like to revise that one group one that died ages ago. LOL. I am fine with whatever though. ^^ PM Me? :) [/quote] Oh sadly that wasn't it. It was on the old Guild and I have yet to run into my old partner. But that one RP proved that OCs could be well crafted and that with Orphan Black, a lot of things can happen and be improved upon. I'll PM you but as a warning, PMs with me tend to be put on the back burner a lot (I read them but then say I'll reply later) so if it's ever been a few days since I reply, feel free to send me a nudge or something. ^^;