[center][img]http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Kellan-lutz-Poseidon-Immortals.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Cyril [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Godly Parents:[/b] Poseidon & Luna [b]Sphere of Control:[/b] God of the Sea, Storms, Earthquakes, and Moon. [b]Personality:[/b] Rather cold, direct, and powerful, Cyril obviously takes the role of his Godhood seriously, with a quiet and cool focus that is as intense and as sharp as the golden trident he carries. Although this may make him seem stuck-up or haughty to others, he also contains a razor-sharp wit and lashing whip of an attitude that he got from his father. He doesn't take any attacks against himself or the things he cares about, and will take it as a personal offense. He isn't one to anger. He has a deadpan and dry/sarcastic humor that makes it hard to tell if he's joking with threats or not. [b]Sacred Animal:[/b] The Hydra, a territorial and powerful, multi-headed sea serpent. [b]Powers:[/b] Cyril, as a God, possesses nigh-invulnerability, and the godly physical superiority over other mortal life-forms. As per his Sphere of Control, he also possesses absolute control over water and the sea, including any and every sea creature within. Similarly, he also has control over earth, enough to create powerful and awe-worthy earthquakes, tremors, and ravines. He is also known as the God of Storms, since he controls the weather over the seas. He can create fierce hurricanes, storms, and even create clear skies for sailors if he wishes to. Also known as the God of the Moon, Cyril possesses the ability to manipulate the moon and moon-light, and also has a connection with wolves, as per their howling. As a gift from his father, Cyril possesses the ability to shapeshift, although he mainly uses this power to grow to impossible sizes. [b]Weaponry:[/b] His golden trident, which has been enchanted by his power, allowing it to grown to any size he wants. It's also eternally sharp and durable, and it also has a connection to his Spheres of Control, allowing it to channel and manipulate the different domains Cyril lords over. [b]Other:[/b] He often spends his time watching over the seas in silence, from a perch upon the Moon.