Still a WIP [center][h1]House Lannister[/h1] [h2]of Casterly Rock[/h2] [img][/img] [h3]Hear Me Roar![/h3] House Lannister of Casterly Rock is one of the Great Houses of Seven Kingdoms, and the principal house of the Westerlands. Their seat is Casterly Rock, though another branch exists that is based in nearby Lannisport. Their sigil is a golden lion on a field of crimson. Their official motto is "Hear Me Roar!" However, their unofficial motto, equally well known, is "A Lannister always pays his debts." The Warden of the West is a Lannister by tradition. Fair-haired, tall, and handsome, the Lannisters are the blood of Andal adventurers who carved out a mighty kingdom in the western hills and valleys. Through the female line they boast of descent from Lann the Clever, the legendary trickster of the Age of Heroes who tricked the members of House Casterly into giving him Casterly Rock during the era of the First Men. The Lannisters reigned as Kings of the Rock until they fell to the Targaryen conquest, but were allowed to remain the liege lords of the westerlands. [/center] [b]Green or Black:[/b] Green [b]Recent History:[/b] Much as the war ravaged Westeros, the Lannisters were dealt their fair share of loss. Jason was slain by Pate of Longleaf in the Battle at the Red Fork which left Casterly Rock in considerable disarray. While his widow was left to defend the Westerlands from the Greyjoys, Tyland fared little better. Appointed master of coin by Alicent Hightower, he seized the treasury for safekeeping, including sending a quarter of funds to Casterly Rock. Although a staunch supporter of Aegon II, he surrendered with the Dowager Queen to Rhaenyra in 130 AC. He was tortured to uncover where the treasury had been hidden. Blinded, gelded, and mutilated, he did not break. With the war recently over, Tyland has positioned himself to regain a role in the small council. House Lannister has been broken by war, their new lord known as wastrel and little else. Although Tyland vies for a position of power in King’s Landing, Casterly Rock and the Westerlands teeter on the edge of losing it all. [center][h3]Family Members:[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lady Johanna Lannister (Westerling) [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Far from a weak woman, Lady Johanna is left tightly gripping what little control she maintains over her son and House. Her husband's death during the Dance left Casterly Rock and the Westerlands shattered as control passed to their eldest son, Cerion. While the Kraken remain an ever present threat, Cerion threatens to destroy all that was built from within. As the days pass, her control has weakened. Lord Jason had been a fair ruler and husband, yet few trusted the Westerling woman to rule while three healthy sons of age remained. She has relegated herself to the background, to meeting privately with the lords of the westerlands. Rumors, perhaps even stupidly started by Cerion, that her secret meetings are in fact affairs, have damaged her reputation. Grief and stress have taken their toll. Once a vibrant and robust woman, Johanna has become withdrawn, even from her dearest daughter and niece. The more intuitive members of court worry what will become of the House if she were to let go completely. [/indent] [b]Name:[/b] Ser Tyland Lannister [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 55 [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Cerion Lannister [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Ser Lyman Lannister [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lord Tion Lannister [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lady Cerelle Lannister [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lady Alysanne Westerling [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Lady Alysanne came to Casterly Rock at the tender age of eight namedays. Her aunt thought her a perfect playmate to her young daughter, Cerelle. Most of Alysanne's memories - bad and good - are from her time among the Lannisters. The eldest child of the Westerlings' youngest son, her place beside the Lannister girl was seen as another boon for a family of dwindling fortune. Without a doubt, Alysanne received much more with the Lannisters than had she remained at her family lands. Lady Johanna ensured her niece never went without. Yet all was not well. Cerelle's devious nature, her temper, was used like a weapon against Alysanne. From the earliest days of her time at Casterly Rock, the girl learned to hide the abuses she suffered. Ridicule became a daily occurrence, and as Cerelle's closest friend, there was barely a day that passed without needing to be in her presence. The bright glimmers of hope came far and few between. Sometimes her aunt would join them for the day, that would bring a brief respite with harsher punishment when Cerelle could again be herself. Flowering into adulthood brought other problems, largely in the form of Ser Lyman. Alysanne was completely besotted. Instead of Cerelle's cruelty, in Lyman, Alysanne found grace and kindness. She once mistakenly uttered her dream of marrying the brother to which Cerelle promised on her life would never happen. At seventeen namedays, she knows her family and aunt seek to find a suitable match. Alysanne finds herself relieved at perhaps finally being free of the abuse, but heartbroken at the truth that she will never be Lyman's wife. The fears of a foolish summer child. The war touched Alysanne, the death of Lord Jason came as a hard blow to her aunt and cousins. Her own close family was not left unscathed, yet she was shielded from the worst of war, confined to the daily battles of living as Cerelle's plaything.[/indent]