[quote=@FallenTrinity] The second second he took notice to the occupants of said car; Aggressive figure in back seat, threating presence, female, Caucasian in color, long hair, looks frightened. [color=00a651][i]'Why is she-'[/i][/color]. The third second was when he reacted he looked over through the ACOG part of his scope to take notice to the walker outside of her car and fired two shots; The first hit the neck, whipping the head in his direction and the second hit its head, brain matter spattering the driver side window. He the quickly swung the gun to the inside of the car. From the driver's point of view it would seem he was aiming his gun at her however two more muffled pops went off as the glass from the windshield shot inward with two small holes to show where the shots were. Close to her seat but punctured behind her as the unwanted guest smacked its head against the back seat and then quickly went limp. [/quote] I only alluded to one zombie bashing the trunk of the car. The second zombie, the one inside the car, comes as a shock. Did it appear shortly after and break the rear passenger window? Keep in mind that a Crown Vic's passenger window would be barred.