[@Ira] [@WaddleDaisy] [b][center][h2]Matisuki Kiryuin[/h2][/center][/b] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Matt_zpslm8werir.png[/img][/center] Matt was utterly dumbfounded at first to hear Taka wanting to date this hellish mage. Sure he heard it earlier, but after the fight, he couldn't trust the mage any longer. He growls again, giving Ira a stink eye. [color=ed1c24]“By the way Matt, I hope next time your girlfriend won’t interfere and get his panties in a bunch. To think I had you defeated. The great LizardKing. Guess that makes me greater.”[/color] Of course Ira would still try to piss Matt off. It was like he was born for this. And this made Matt's blood begin to boil. In fact, he could probably murder him right here and now, yet this was not the way of the guild. A guild must have honor when fighting someone else, only killing for the sake of the world itself. A more aggressive guttural growl escapes his angry maw, ending with a hiss. [b]"IT'S A DRAW."[/b] he growls at Ira, [b]"BESIDES, I STILL WOULD'VE KICKED YOUR ASS ANYWAYS. YOU'RE NOW ON THE GUILD'S WATCH LIST. LAY ONE FINGER ON HER AND YOU'LL REGRET IT."[/b] Of course, Matt said Taka's name as a fellow guild mate... family in fact. Everyone who joins the guild is automatically a brother or a sister. And if one harms anyone from the guild, they shall pay dearly for it. Besides, even if Matt did like Taka, he would know that it would be immoral anyways. Matt slowly turns around and heads to the guild door. [b]"ONE OF YOU FOLLOW THEM..."[/b] he growls as soon as Ira and Taka were at a safe distance, [b]"I DON'T TRUST THIS DARK MAGE."[/b] And with that, he begins to slowly morph back into his human form and heads upstairs to rest. He and Ira will fight again one day. And he'll show that cursed mage his true power. Cause no one messes with the guild and gets away with it. Especially not on Matt's watch...