Her apartment much reflected her persona - a minimalist at best. It was white walled with a few pieces of furniture scattered about, nothing matching or really containing color. She cared not as she used it for what it was created for, namely a place to sleep and wash up and the rest of her days and nights were spent in the confines of the hospital. Dropping her bad she walked to the bathroom, stripping off stale clothes as she moved, her mind still lost to a nightmare that played in the recess of her memories. How she would give her talent or anything required of her to move out from under the strain of her past decisions. She slipped into the shower and let her mind rest while the water did it's job of relaxing her, the droplets so hot they burned as they raked down her alabaster skin. Pulling her hair in a tight bun and slipping into some comfortable jeans, a long sleeve pale blue shirt and some loafers. She pulled a small wad of cash from her purse and her id, driving downtown with the windows down and the wind in her hair. A car full of young guys pulled up beside her at a light, the car revving to get her attention, but she stared at the light until one of them yelled, 'hey baby'. She looked over at them, her lips a thin line of emotionless resolve. Her adolescence looked much like the picture represented in the friends shoved into the small Oldsmobile, laughter and good times in abundance. She nodded to the driver who'd called out to her and he motioned for the light. She felt her mouth crack into a smile. Just because she drove a GT didn't mean she was all about the speed the engine held and yet she'd bought it years before for that very reason. She used to live on the razors edge and enjoyed the freedom found in driving fast and reckless. The light changed and she acted as if she were about to speak, her foot pressing down on the gas as the car tore off and left the boys in the dust. She felt herself utter, 'Please...' as if they had a chance. Pulling up to the pub she realized how busy it was and thought perhaps her choice of place was a bit too public, but anything more private would've been uncomfortable. Kelly was a handsome man and one in her previous life she'd already have captured, but things were different and she was emotionally unavailable. She slipped her keys in her pocket, a few people turning to oogle at the car or her, of which she cared not. The waitress moved from the table where Kelly sat in the far corner, a smile on her lips as she looked up at Sara. "Can I get you a drink?" Sara walked to the table and yelled over her shoulder, "Black and Tan please." She slid into the other side of the booth, the smell of jasmine on her skin and a soft smile on her mouth. "Been waiting long?"