[center][u][b]Locke Wind[/b][/u][/center] Sleep was difficult for the paranoid, Locke drifted in and out unwillingly. He'd miss the sound of it the first couple times during his quaint snooze. There's a reason why drinking and driving is bad. Locke dozed off for a moment, whilst leaning on the right end of his wheel. The ship turned swiftly, and not many of the men were as phased by the sudden change as you'd expect them to be. One mate would ask "[color=00aeef]Sir, what's the route?[/color]" Only to be responded to by angry whiskey induced yelling. "[color=0054a6]Heavy tha' sails! Mermph! Me Roger be... jolly! And tell tha' wench... she can... she can... all over the tickle trunk![/color]" Locke was infamous for sleep talking, or so the crew suspected. Regardless of if it were such, nor if it were coherent glossolalia, some things were indistinguishable between the pirate and a sinful demon. His crew obeyed as it would, and for a moment, the entire ship would circle laps. At a steady pace, the broadside of the Cruel Knave turned to face the ninjas for a moment, before a head to head feint ensued. Before long, the pursuers might notice changes to the atmosphere around them, and not only by the toxic fog, nor the smell of gunpowder, but the waters tread seemed lead astray in to chaos. After speeding the sails with wind techniques, and leading the boat to chase its tail enough times, the pirate crew would've created a whirlpool within the circumference of the traveled circle. Only after Locke stumbled sideways did he wake up for sure, and his eyes would briskly open to the sight of an individual approaching the flank of his ship. The water beckoned his death and mocked a clock as it spun out of control. After climbing diagonally back up the ship and pushing the wheel in the opposite direction, the Cruel Knave would quickly detach from the growing whirlpool before it too was sucked in. Raging currents dared to consume the ninjas and beasts beneath the water's surface, and that wasn't even intentional on Locke's behalf! Not to mention his ignorance towards the sinker bombs that Akane was tossing overboard, the pursuer's would be lucky if they weren't whipped by the flailing six-pounder bombs. Upon coming to, the voices of the quartermaster and crow became much more clear. "[color=00aeef]Water skitters at six o'clock![/color]" Was lingo for anyone capable of treading the water without a ship, just like the bug. The battle was not yet over, and to that, Locke would take a swig, maybe two... five good chugs, polishing off the canteen right then and there. The captain knew they were being attacked, and yet he wasn't as quick to confront his pursuer's as one might expect. Of course, the quarter master and many of the ship's pirates would've already taken up their arms, to begin firing round-shots down the side of the hull, aiming at any one ninja who dared come too close. Several smoke bombs struck the hull, which was a funny tactic, had the many ninjas not realized that the entire Cruel Knave was already veiled in a thick mist? As they boarded the ship, they would require some sort of filtering rag or something to handle the mixture of fumes. Each human entering the vicinity would already begin feeling the moisture on their skin, and a bitter taste in their mouths. Various shouts and shots could be heard, as the crew prepared for combat. Locke's last act at the ship's wheel was to process a tried and true tactic, the direction their ship now head in, would lead it crashing ashore within half an hour. "[color=0054a6]Stormie's gone, that good ol' man, t' my way hay, storm along, John![/color]" And so captain Locke began to sing in merriment, embracing the chaos. "[color=0054a6]Stormie's gone, that good ol' man, t' my aye, aye, aye, Mista' Storm-along![/color]" Not a note was cracked, no stress to bend the break. It was if he was giving away his position, however the song held a purpose. It would seem at first like the pirate's weren't even aware of the situation at hand, a couple gun shots could mean anything! The ninja's unable to see through the mist wouldn't quickly spot the captain digging through his old chest, pulling out as many firearms as humanly possible. One for each sleeve, each belt strap, and anywhere else not pointing anywhere vital. "[color=0054a6]They dug 'is grave, with a silva' spade! T' my way hay, storm along, John! His shroud o' finest silk was made. To my aye, aye, aye, Mista' Storm Along![/color]" Half way through the shanty, and Locke was already geared from head to toe, with an extra dozen flasks of his famous brew to top the cake. Breathing the smokescreen in without coughing a lung, Locke grinned vilely as the real fight began. "[color=0054a6]Oi, quit yer' skulking, ye bloody piss-head pansies! Have at me, like aarrrrrreeaaal man! YAAAHAHAHAHAHARRRR![/color]" Locke's maniacal laughter, and loud booming voice not only served to instigate more out of his enemies, but with it came the storm that served his beckon call. A strange glow pierced the veil, as the cruel captain turned to stare off the back of his ship. He could sense the malice in a man, good or bad, small or great, and anyone who has ever shed blood is susceptible to this sight. The smokescreen parted, and a powerful gust would barrage the first ninja to step foot on the Cruel Knave, Hiroshi Wakahishi, whose name wasn't yet known or cared for by the pirate captain. The ninja would be shot straight back in to the ocean, unless his strength was great, and his balance was true. It was here that Locke would get a good look at his first appointed bounty hunter, and it excited him greatly to be given the privilege of facing such a quick reacting squadron. They were probably worth something alive, if they were lucky, otherwise their thumbs would do. Time was of the essence, and not worth wasting, so Locke took this opportunity to rush in and pick off the first wave. Hiroshi would find himself being focused down the minute he showed face, for the storm wasn't the only thing threatening his footing; Locke would appear before him in an instant, as sparks of electricity shot from the pirate's body, he spun around once, and used the momentum to swing his treasure chest with such a force, Hiroshi's puppet would likely be sent flying off the ship if it didn't weigh upright a half ton. In the fluid motion, gunfire would ring from many angles, one of them coming from Locke's right hand, as he pointed a barrel at the ninja's abdomen, it would shoot directly after the first strike.