Get inside the mind of a killer. That was the most important phrase he'd retained during his years studying. How was he to be a good detective if he couldn't understand his suspects? Well, this case was turning out to be more than he had bargained for. Duncan let out a low groan, his tired eyes darting through his papers as he looked for something; some new information he may have glazed over. He'd been looking to convict this woman, yes, this sly woman he had set his sights on. He knew she had some connections to underground gang leaders; he had appeared before. Had been mentioned in previous cases, but somehow flying under the radar. Charming her way out of suspicion. Though, she'd pushed the envelope too far this time. A government official had been found dead in a motel room off some lonely high way. The body was covered in fingerprints that linked back to this woman he had been investigating. He could only draw the conclusion that perhaps they had meet with the intention of having sexual relations, the night however, going awry. It was not a pretty crime scene, to say the least. Blood soaked sheets. Stained carpets and bloody, peeling wallpaper. If it weren't for Duncan being a seasoned agent, he may have been more spooked than he had been. Alas, this case had been tiring him out. Messy brown hair and dead-eyed, he had been scouring everything he knew about her to pinpoint her location. It seemed as if it was time to go undercover.