[center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cmm7p3.png[/IMG] [@WaddleDaisy] It surprised Ira to see that Taka was still willing to come along with him. His very existence seem to threaten every person he came in contact with. Taka seemed different. She didn’t judge him based off of power or aura . She seemed to be curious about Ira. He felt the same about her, As they walked he decided it might be nice to pick up some new threads. His white clothes were currently tattered from the previous fight. On the other hand, it only seemed right to buy his counterpart something as beautiful as herself to make-up for his overexertion of power. As the passed by a tailor shop Ira spoke , [color=red] “Mind if we stop here. I kinda need a change of threads. It also wouldn’t hurt to see you in something new. After-all beautiful clothes are for beautiful women.”[/color] Ira wanted to ask the girl how she ended up with the rag-tag guild but decided it may be better over lunch . He already exhausted himself and owed her an apology. He felt lucky to walk next to her during the aftermath. For some reason he never let her hand go as they walked. Even when they approached the tailor shop. Her touch of warmth radiated inside the palm of his hand. It was a feeling unlike never before but he enjoy her company. He wondered if she’d mind him taking her shopping as well as the date. Even though it wasn’t planned, Ira saw himself as spontaneous. Hopefully Taka was into this sort of thing. Ira couldn’t help but smile with all of these thoughts running through his mind. [i][color=red] ‘Is this what love feels like? It’s amazing.’[/color][/i] , Ira thought to himself as he awaited Taka’s reply. [/center]