[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/10a4474b15cc189d197c67c5d893ac93/tumblr_mh5sgcCjED1rpm9hyo2_500.gif[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Henrik Björkman[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]Seventeen[/indent] [b]Year[/b]: [indent]Third[/indent] [b]Gender[/b]: [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Species[/b]: [indent]Huldrekarl[/indent] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: [indent]Henrik has wide blue eyes, pale skin, and an angular face shape. He is around 6’2”, but is more gawky than strong and has a little bit of muscle, but not a lot. There are brown dirt smudges covering his arms and legs as well as his abdomen – he has little moss on him, but there are slight patches of green growing on his shoulder blades. His dark brown hair is usually cut short enough that it does not fall in front of his face. While his twin sister has a silent commanding presence and walk, he is known for a more demanding arrogance that manifests itself in his sure-footed strut. He likes to wear hoodies and jeans when casually lounging, but usually dons band tees with a leather jacket pulled over it.[/indent] [b]Personality[/b]: [indent]Henrik is very unlike his sister and is almost the complete opposite of the Huldra ideals. He is impulsive and puts on an arrogant air, though he is rather insecure when it comes to his own species. When he questions the system, he does so loudly and publicly, allowing everyone to know his thoughts. He is reliant on his sister for emotional comfort and has no direction in life, almost always aimlessly following her around. Henrik wears his heart on his sleeve, plainly, for everyone to see and shamelessly doesn’t hide it – unless in front of his mother, Ragna. He possesses an inferiority complex and is a hardworker, always trying his best, but typically fails at such things. Unlike his sister, he refuses to leave his life in fate’s hands and is more adaptable than Helena. While Helena is a rock, he is the ocean waves, changing with the wind and listening to the moon’s calling. Even though he is much different than his sister, they both possess loose morals and do whatever they like whenever they like.[/indent] [b]Hobbies[/b]: [indent]-Yo-Yoing -Candle Making -Wood work[/indent] [b]Extra[/b]: [indent]Is very close to twin sister, Helena[/indent]