Maya pulled her jacket tightly against her torso in hopes of conserving every precious ounce of heat her body produced. Her glassy eyes watered in protest against the biting wind. The climate was far from arctic, but the Archon had a low tolerance for the cold. [i]Out of all the coordinates that Marcus wrote down, I just had to go and choose this lovelllly planet. Sunshine is overrated anyway.[/i] The crumbly shale surface crunched beneath her boots as she stomped through the darkness. Every now and then, a protruding rock would send her lurching forward as she blindly fought her ways towards the glowing horizon. Expletives rolled off her tongue in frothing frustration. The soft purr of machinery intermingled almost imperceptibly with the whistling wind. At first, Maya thought she was imagining it, but then she saw the headlights of approaching vehicles. The noise got louder as the lights got brighter. The outline of four automobiles, which Maya recalled as being referred to as motorcycles, zipped across the shadowy landscape. Maya inhaled sharply. Her heart felt like a heavy knot in her chest. Not knowing the intentions of the advancing figures, she could not help but to panic. She clutched her trident. Four against one, while doable, was not advantageous. Andromeda asserted her own input. [color=00aeef][i]Whatever you do, refrain from using your powers if at all possible. On one hand, they might reverently place you on a pedestal like a goddess, but alternatively, they may burn you at the stake like a witch. Could go either way, really.[/i][/color] [i]Duly noted.[/i] Maya would have to make a decision fast or else she would be left standing in the open like a deer in the headlights. She opted for the running and hiding option. Just as the motorcycles approached, she ducked behind a large rock, sliding across the gravelly ground. A billow of dust clouded around her. To Maya’s dismay, the sound of revving engines slowed and then cut off. [i]No, dammit. Keep moving along.[/i] She pressed her back against the cool surface of the boulder and held her breath. Her heartbeats rattled her ribcage in furious sputters. She could hear the sound of heavy footsteps, but the voices were hushed so that she could not discern what they were saying. An irritating tickle emanated from the base of her sinuses. [i]No, no, no.[/i]Maya thought woefully as she rubbed her nose desperately, [i]This can’t happen.[/i] [color=00aeef][i]You have to be kidding. A sneeze? Really?[/i][/color] [i]Does this look like a joke?[/i] Maya remarked snarkily as the prickle got more intense. [color=00aeef][i]Don’t you dare.[/i][/color] Maya’s mouth quivered. Her eyes watered. [i]I can’t exactly help it. It’s dusty behind this rock.[/i] [color=00aeef][i]I swear…[/i][/color]Andromeda started. “ACHOO.” [color=00aeef][i]You imbecile.[/i][/color] Pure disappointment surged from the spirit. The Water Archon could not restrain herself any longer. Closing her eyes, she clamped her hands across her face and hoped that the individuals did not hear her sneeze. Things were about to get complicated.