[img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/1/16696/2569554-great_desktop_wallpapers_19.jpg[/img] In a world where very few humans remain, most members of society are made of a combination of robotics and humanoid parts, some grafted from original humans and some created in a lab. I'd play a lovely scientist who helps to create these machines, my own hands having constructed you, who are a compound robot. We will be sent on a task across the universe to retrieve something, perhaps an energy source and who knows what might happen. I want to see what it would be like to work side by side with someone who's not supposed to feel and yet begins to. I'm thinking that we'll have her putting the final touches on him, bringing him to life, check his vitals and send him on his way only for the agency to give him to her because he's the 100th one or something. They'll send her and him on a trip to gain additional intel at another robotics lab (maybe undercover) and we'll go from there. We'll have him be a combination of robotics and grafted human parts, his skin a silicon based covering that leaves him looking just like a human. [center][img]http://choose-hairstyles.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Hair-Highlights-Ideas.jpg[/img] Jessica Walker[/center]